Welcome to “Not Couple Goals” where co-hosts Allie Nelson and Tyler McCarthy do a deep dive into a different ridiculous romantic thriller from the...
The Socially Distanced Podcast was created by two pop culture-obsessed dads during COVID who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them...
Written by Yassmin Elmouzaieg
When Colleen Hoover's It Ends with Us was announced as a film, fans were filled with excitement. The novel’s raw portrayal of...
Alien: Romulus checks all the boxes that are expected from lega-sequels, but co-writer/director Fede Alvarez understands that part of the franchise’s effectiveness is the...
The Socially Distanced Podcast was created by two pop culture-obsessed dads during COVID who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them...
Aaron and Josh Sarnecky are here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of The Sixth Sense. Joining them is their cousin, special guest Shawn Lebert.