
Saturday Morning Adventures: X-Men ’97 S1 Finale

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6yfh4t9YRI0lo2NPZesXsA?si=2fe57299b43f45fd Hello and welcome to Pop Break TV’s brand new sometimes podcast: Saturday Morning Adventures, where contributors to⁠ ⁠ThePopBreak.com⁠⁠ and their friends kick back, tune...

Socially Distanced: X-Men ’97 Finale Reaction + Fantasy Casting MCU X-Men

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0gOD4OAE4tuWDeTTSLW2UM?si=04fb8f0b9cd2459a The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...

Not Couple Goals: Three Days of the Condor (1975)

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4rtvv7TqX9EehQHLDeIhBc?si=42e6bdc2a6894ff0 Welcome to “Not Couple Goals” where co-hosts Allie Nelson and Tyler McCarthy do a deep dive into a different ridiculous romantic thriller from the...

Roses & Rejections: The Circle Season 6 Finale

https://open.spotify.com/episode/35a1EimESpL6xn49adsPIo?si=26ee9d47546946d0 Welcome back to another episode of our podcast all about the ABC reality series The Bachelor and its many spin-offs. ThePopBreak.com's Michelle Coraci, who has...

Anime x Pop: My Hero Academia Season 7 + Pierrot Studios Announcement!

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Mep58RJG1hQAw5fwMBCm4?si=37ce56e51fee439f There's never a dull moment in the world of anime and Pop Break is diving right into the action! Join anime enthusiasts Amanda Rivas...

Saturday Morning Adventures: X-Men ’97 – Tolerance is Extinction Part 2

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0BNYJLJkIvPwHEgv1nyXYq?si=a041213f729f4c15 Hello and welcome to Pop Break TV’s brand new sometimes podcast: Saturday Morning Adventures, where contributors to⁠ ⁠ThePopBreak.com⁠⁠ and their friends kick back, tune...

Socially Distanced: The NFL Off-Season, Galactus is Cast & A New Lord of the Rings

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1tRCnyvFtkRTxFrYEvvMm3?si=c4638e1c107c4436 The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...

The Anniversary Brothers Podcast: Mean Girls 20th Anniversary

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2iyxn8QLxtDAvfMq2bGnaJ?si=52b1e92539ff4e0d Joining them as special guest is Aaron’s friend and Lindsey Lohan stan Stefan Thomas. Mean Girls is a teen comedy directed by Mark Waters and...

Roses & Rejections: The Circle S6 (E1-8)

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0InAAzhF178GtxYaCoApEx?si=02edb9dc085a4c2c Welcome back to another episode of our podcast all about the ABC reality series The Bachelor and its many spin-offs. ThePopBreak.com's Michelle Coraci, who has...

Bill vs. The MCU: X-Treme X-Watch Part IV – The Wolverine Trilogy

https://open.spotify.com/episode/2VCEjzKRbJREpAv0Zv5vFw?si=f388637abdd44f8f Hello and welcome to Bill vs the MCU! Each month your hosts⁠⁠ Pop Break Podcasting Director Alex Marcus⁠⁠ and⁠⁠ Pop Break Editor in Chief...

Blerd Watchers: Best Star Wars Films, Drake vs Kendrick, X-Men ’97 Check In, The Boys

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4SyiJ3zCuqltcbz4QkeCD4?si=c812f741d1a745ae Welcome to Blerd Watchers! ThePopBreak.com's monthly podcast about TV shows with a Blerdy twist! Come hang out with Courtney & Marshall, two married Blerds, as...

Saturday Morning Adventures: X-Men ’97 Episode 8 ‘Tolerance is Extinction Part 1’

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6bL5RU9TCxibax7Wfna9ic?si=b76y14uMTh6r40WXIEonIA Hello and welcome to Pop Break TV’s brand new sometimes podcast: Saturday Morning Adventures, where contributors to⁠ ⁠ThePopBreak.com⁠⁠ and their friends kick back, tune...

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