HomeMoviesTrailer Tuesday: Contagion

Trailer Tuesday: Contagion

logan j. fowler and bill bodkinlook at the all-star disaster flick …

Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Rent.
Contagion looks intriguing, almost like the movie The Happening wanted to be with a better cast and a more serious tone. Regardless, I don’t think I’ll be skipping this one entirely, as the mystery behind discovering what the airborne virus is, as well as the outcome of those becoming infected with it lead me to want to find out. So as far as Contagion is concerned, I think I’ll definitely give it a rental. By the way, who ISN’T in this movie? I think my curiousness to learn more about the movie’s outcome paired with the who’s who of Hollywood have too much of a hold on me to look past this thriller when it hits home video.

Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Rent.
I’ve never understood the movie-going audience’s obsession with end-of-the-world disaster films. Seriously, why are we obsessed with the world’s demise? I tend to avoid these and other disaster films, and if I do watch them, it’s completely begrudgingly. With that being said, I’m going to completely contradict myself — and here’s why. All of these disaster and world-ending films usually look horrendous. 2012? Dante’s Peak? Deep Impact? Volcano? The Happening? Abysmal. Conversely, Contagion looks very intriguing. It has an all-star cast of Oscar-nominated actors, a highly creative and innovative director (Steven Soderbergh) at the helm and the aura of the film is extremely tense and edge-of-your-seat. While I might not have the time to catch this in the theater, the trailer has me extremely interested and I’ll definitely be renting this one.
— BB

Pop-Break Staff
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