Karma’s a bitch, and her name is Sarah Newlin.
In this week’s episode of True Blood, befittingly named “Karma,” everyone in Bon Temps seems to be the recipients of a little karma of their own.
Rather it be Bill (Stephen Moyer), who’s finally paying his dues, with a little help from a certain Hep V virus, or Sookie (Anna Paquin) who may finally have gotten her wish for vampires to stay away from her.

Karma surrounded this episode, setting in motion for what is to come in these last couple episodes.
As was predicted, last week’s True Blood was a stale in comparison to this one. With action and new plotlines being set, favorite characters getting a new lease on life (literally) and shocking answers to problems in the show, all made for one exciting thrill ride.
While karma came full circle for everyone, it took on a human form in the ever “humble” Sarah Newlin (Anna Camp).
We find out not only has she changed and become a “good person” (obviously the woman is a Buddhist now) but she has also become the solution to everyone’s problems. **Spoiler** Sarah explains that when she escaped the vamp camp from last season, she took the only cure for Hep V and drank it, causing her blood to be the cure for all vampires infected. Which could lead to some complications seeing as everyone’s favorite Viking infected with the virus wants nothing more than to rip her perfectly bleached head off of her perfectly Buddhist body.
If the whole “Sarah Newlin is the cure” thing sounds to made-up to be true, she proves it by curing her much more fun sister of the virus, proving that “God’s light” still shins on this Southern Belle, and that the writers didn’t just take the easy way out of the solution, and by easy I mean having Sookie be the solution.
As this exciting development grows, other things in the show do as well — like Bill’s Hep V for instance.
Only in the beginning stages last week, this week he has full-blown Hep V, causing mass confusion and hysteria for Bill and company. One thought raced through his and Sookie’s head — did she accidentally give it to him? Which led to a nerve-racking conclusion for Sookie and a new mission for her to accomplish. It wouldn’t be True Blood if Sookie wasn’t on some dumb hero mission.

“Karma” was a vast improvement over last week’s filler episode, actually gaining back its fangs and a little bite.
However, some things still need a little tweaking and I’m not talking about Sarah Newlin’s hair.
Plotlines that were dropped earlier this season, and rightfully so, are coming back and that’s not a good thing, along with new storylines that shouldn’t even be a thing.
The writers were on such a good track, killing off nonsense characters, bringing back fan favorites, even if it is just in a flashback, and bringing plotlines back together. But now something has changed.
They seem to be bringing back storylines for dead characters, is this whole limbo Tara (Rutina Wesley) storyline necessary? And are adding storylines that don’t need to be, basically any scene with Holly (Laren Bowles) and her redneck sons is one too many.
The only saving grace from these two boring developments is the comic relief the writers threw in there, thank Lilith for Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) and Andy (Chris Bauer).
If these stories never reach an end it wouldn’t be a bad thing, but the fact that they found a start makes it horrible. Come on writers, you were doing so well learning from your mistakes; we don’t want another raping were-panther scene, do we?
Aside from this, the episode was a good one, not as good as “Death is not the End,” but “Karma” had its moments.
With lots of jokes and one-liners added to this rather darker episode, thanks Sarah’s sister, and characters coming full circle with there plots, the episode found some familiar footing with its roots.
True Blood, however, still has a long way to go if it ever wants to recapture that glamour that used to put millions of viewers under its spell every week and hopefully it will, before it meets the final True Death.
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Laura Dengrove is the one of youngest members of the Pop-Break staff and is a critic for television/movies of all types on Pop-Break. Just having closed out her senior year, she will be studying to obtain her bachelors degree at Rutgers University for Journalism/Public Relations. She was the editor for the Arts and Entertainment section of her school newspaper, runs her own blog (Pop Culture Darling), and interns for Design New Jersey. She also has an in-depth knowledge about all things True Blood and an avid Eric and Sookie shipper.
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