Written by David Oliver
It wouldn’t have been an SOA series finale without gunshots. And motorcycles. And death. And a super-elongated car chase (see: #FinalRide, which was definitely fitting literally). Yet those weren’t the most pivotal moments from the series finale (well, the last one a bit, maybe).
Be sure to check back later for a full recap from Pop-Break, but for now, enjoy some quick hits from the episode.
The #FinalRide swan song saw characters seal their fates in ways both expected and unexpected. Jax burning his father’s writing suggested to me he was throwing away his past and his father’s teachings, distraught over what he did to Gemma, as Nero implied in an earlier episode that it would tear him up inside. But it’s better than that: he’s tying up loose ends to ensure that his sons never have to face the life he did.
SAMCRO will live on with Chibs at the helm and Tig by his side. Wendy and Nero managed to get the kids away from all the mayhem (so to speak), just like Tara always wanted.
But the biggest deal of all: Jax commits suicide in one of the series’ final moments by letting go of his motorcycle after moving into a lane to be hit head on by Milo’s truck (remember Michael Chiklis’s trucker from the last episode? That wasn’t all that random, apparently).
Some questions still lurk, though: WHAT is the deal with that homeless lady? Is Jax meant to be seen as more of a Jesus figure or a Hamlet figure? Or some combination of the two? After all the show, closed with a famous Shakespeare quote, which would suggest the latter.
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
You will be missed, Sons of Anarchy, that’s for sure.