Will the baby be going on any missions?
The baby’s out there, yes. There are some things that happen with the baby. Like Everybody Loves Raymond, it was never a story about Raymond’s kids. So, this series is not suddenly going to become Archer and Lana’s baby series, but there is a part where the emotion of Archer and Lana especially is heightened because there are parts when the baby is in danger. There’s specifically I think about the Kumail Nanjiani episode and there’s danger for the baby, or even the episode for Lana’s parents and meeting them.
I wouldn’t say it’s like necessarily taking the baby on a mission because I would hope that even though our people are pretty irresponsible, but they wouldn’t just like put a [indiscernible] on a baby and go do it, but there are times when definitely the baby’s in danger and we see what happens to our characters because of that.
How does Lana balance being a mother and being a spy agent?
She’s conflicted. She goes through times of wanting to quit, wanting to get away from it. There are times where we’re trying to take a vacation from the baby. And so, I think more than ever, Lana seems conflicted and she doesn’t know what she wants to do.
She also will go on a mission and leave the baby in somebody else’s care, which is driving her crazy because, one, Malory thinks that Lana’s breasts are filled with corn syrup or something and she’s constantly fattening up the baby. So, Malory is like feeding the baby ice chips to try and slim the baby down, or else like leaving Pam in charge of the baby and like, “Oh, my God. What happened to the baby? Where’s the baby?”
And so, it creates a lot of stress on Lana. She doesn’t really have a good handle with how to deal with it. She’s kind of making it up as she goes along and sometimes she’s handling it well and sometimes she’s not handling it well.
What shows do you watch?
I watch tons of television. I usually shy away from comedies on TV because of when you work on a comedy TV show; it’s all about recognizing joke patterns and such. So, you get really tuned off from the standpoint of like making something make you laugh. But, I usually watch dramas and sports. If it’s football season, I’m kind of football all the time.
I will say there’s a reason why we wanted Matthew Rhys to be on an episode this season. I think The Americans is one of the strongest shows on television. I’m not saying that to tout the FX company line. It’s just really good and the way that they drew you in with that daughter storyline last season was crazy. I’m very much looking forward to them going back into premieres, which I think is in January as well.
There are a lot of other things. I do generally enjoy a lot of the FX shows. Again, I’m not just saying it because I work for FX, but they make smart TV. And so, I find myself more drawn towards the cable things and Netflix and Amazon things. Jeffery Tambor’s show on Amazon is fantastic. I’m watching a lot of the Netflix originals as well. I usually go towards whatever you might be reviewed as smart drama.
Are there any jaw dropping shocker moments that you’re really excited about revealing, or are you more excited about everyone’s development throughout the season?
In years past, I don’t know how much the American public realizes how standards and practices work, but standards and practices people don’t work for the network technically. Things change from time-to-time. It’s not really the standards change. The person changes from time-to-time. There is something that is happening late in the season and it’s basically Lana having sex. I was watching somebody animate it the other day. It’s awesome. I’m just totally being gross, guy here. It’s pretty great.
We were trying to figure out how much we’re going to be able to show and how much we’re not going to show because if you Google our show and look for, there are people who have animated some pretty raunchy things on the Internet of our characters having sex. In fact, I just got forwarded today; there’s a series on Digital Playground about the Agent Stryker and the Agency CRISIS. It’s a series on Digital Playground where they’re just taking our characters; our show and they’re having sex.
And so, all that stuff exists, but we’ve never been able to show all the sex that we’ve shown. It’s really been people post-coitus, happily laying there and there’s a scene late in the season that I think is jaw dropping and I’m curious to find out everybody’s reaction to Lana basically getting the shit fucked out of her.
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