Monthly Archives: August, 2015

Deadpool Trailer(s) Arrive!

A good half hour before the Deadpool trailer aired on Conan O'Brien's late night talk show yesterday, the internet got it first (as it...

Interview: Super Snake

Super Snake Is (Band Members & Instruments They Play): Peter August - guitar, vocals, Vincent Fiore - drums, percussion, vocals, Jerry Jones - vocals, Joe Laga - guitar, Jesse...

Trailer Tuesday: The Night Before

Written by Logan J. Fowler and Justin Matchick Release Date: November 25th, 2015 Starring: Seth Rogen, Anthony Mackie, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lizzy Caplan, Mindy Kaling Director: Jonathan...

Film Review: Inner Demons

Carson (Lara Vosburgh), the teenage daughter of a deeply religious family, begins using heroin to suppress the evil growing inside of her. Her family,...

Ranking The First Four Vacation Movies

Ah, the Vacation movies. When the first National Lampoon’s Vacation was released in 1983, it instantly became a classic. The premise of a family...

Album Review: Albert Hammond Jr., ‘Momentary Masters’

Written by Christian Bischoff Albert Hammond Jr.'s new album may be entitled Momentary Masters, but his distinctive and visionary musical style has guaranteed his status...

TV Recap: WWE Monday Night RAW Remembers Roddy

Before I kick off the recap of RAW tonight, props has to be given to Titus O’Neil, who undertook the incredible act of giving...

Deadpool’s Trailer Trailer Drops

Wilson is coming. Less than one month ago, a Deadpool trailer was shown at San Diego Comic-Con to anyone lucky one to sit in...

Film Review: I Am Chris Farley

Written by Scott Clifford I liked Chris Farley during his comedic run before his tragic death in 1997 and was honored to review I Am...

Film Review: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’

Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F' Plot: Desperately searching for a way to bring back their master, Frieza’s army seeks the dragon balls on Earth. Their...

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