Written by Logan J. Fowler and Justin Matchick
Release Date: November 25th, 2015
Starring: James McAvoy, Daniel Radcliffe, Charles Dance
Director: Paul McGuigan (Lucky Number Slevin, Push, Wicker Park)
Pre-Trailer Thoughts: The story of Frankenstein has been told countless times through different variations. However, it’s more about the monster than the creator. This version pays more attention to the man behind the madness. –LJF
Pre-Trailer Thought: I haven’t heard too much about this one, but I genuinely enjoy James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe/ Getting to see hem work of of one another should hopefully make for a fun time, especially in a cool Gothic-horror setting. – JTM
Rate the Trailer: 2 out of 5. Victor Frankenstein looks to be in the same realm as Hugh Jackman’s Van Helsing. It has a campy vibe, along with a dash of modern style humor, and seems to be only choosing the colors of gray and brown to set the mood. McAvoy and Radcliffe seem like they are enjoying the romp through this monster movie, but I don’t really think it’s going to be a worthwhile effort. –LJF
Rate the Trailer: 3 out of 5. I like that the movie seems to be from the point of view of Daniel Radcliffe’s Igor, who is now a handsome young man instead of a hunchback thanks to Victor Frankenstein’s medical advancements. As Victor, James McAvoy seems to be having fun in the role as a man who is all too obsessed with his science over his morals. However the Gothic atmosphere the film aims for leaves something to be desired, especially after the gorgeous Crimson Peak just recently set the bar for how to truly create a fantastic Gothic atmosphere on film. Director Paul McGuigan is certainly no Guillermo del Toro, and it might be unfair to compare them directly, but it’s hard not to with this film releasing so soon after Crimson Peak did. – JTM
Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? No Thanks. The movie looks like it might be an ok time, and I do like both of the lead actors. However, my desire to check it out is just not there. Also, they at least could’ve tried to have released it during this very month. Bad timing.-LJF
Theater, Rent, Undecided, No Thanks: Rent. It looks like it will be a somewhat enjoyable movie, but it’s being released in the middle of an already busy Fall film season and the trailer didn’t impress me enough to warrant me spending money on it in theaters. But with the two leads being some of my favorite actors, I’m certain I’ll try and catch this as soon as it goes On Demand. – JTM
Victor Frankenstein hits the switch November 25th, 2015