On April 10th, the cast of Suicide Squad got up on stage at the MTV Movie Awards and showcased the latest trailer for their upcoming film. Get ready for a ton of Harley Quinn, Will Smith being Will Smith, and a lot of cryptic Joker laughing. Much like the last trailer, we get another classic rock anthem to get us in the mood, which also happens to be another song from Wayne’s World, just as a random aside. Fresh off Batman v Superman, we also get some stellar shots of Ben Affleck’s Batman.
Check out the mayhem right here! Suicide Squad opens August 5th.
Daniel Cohen is the Film Editor for Pop-Break. Aside from reviews, Daniel does a weekly box office predictions column, and also contributes monthly Top Tens and Op-Ed’s on all things film. Daniel is a graduate of Bates College with a degree in English, and also studied Screenwriting at UCLA. He can also be read on www.movieshenanigans.com. His movie crush is Jessica Rabbit. Follow him on Twitter @dcohenwriter.