3. Jessica Jones (Laura Dengrove)
To me, Jessica Jones makes my top ten list of Marvel Superheroes because she is the perfect example of why female superheroes truly kick ass, both metaphorically, and in reality.
Jessica Jones is known for her hard exterior and her no bullshit attitude towards those who mean to cause her or her loved ones harm. She takes life every day with a grain of salt, both figuratively and with her alcohol, and never lets anyway get in her way.
With this kick ass attitude, she is the perfect anti-victim as she does away with the whole damsel in distress act and reminds us that life can be a dark and cruel place.
She also has a real sense of reality, minus the whole super power thing, as she shows us how some deal with trauma.
The show is known for the obvious introduction of the “Purple Man” in the MCU, but it also introduces a very real and very scary issue of rape and drug use. For Jessica, the dark part of her life is not something she can easily forget and reminds us that rape isn’t anything to be glamorized and how victims can really feel after something that traumatic can happen to them. To me, Jessica Jones is a hero in many more ways than meets the eye.
To me, she is my hero because she shows us that she isn’t just a superpowers female…she is also a human being.
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