Monthly Archives: February, 2017

Arrow: This is about Ethics in Vigilantism

Well, Arrow fans, I'm back. It figures that this show got good again the moment I stopped recapping it. In fact, the last two...

The Legion Series Premiere is Weird, Intense, Cerebral…and Awesome

Legion Series Premiere Plot Summary: Based on the popular X-Men comics, David’s (Dan Stevens) entire life has been consumed with voices in his head....

Review: Red Hood and the Outlaws #7

Red Hood, the disgraced son in the Batman Family, now has his own team and a fresh start. But, is his team (consisting of...

Review: Justice League/Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers #2

By: Andrew Fontana When this crossover was announced I thought it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. Pop culture is saturated with nostalgia....

Review: Optimus Prime #3

The plot continues! The past of Optimus Prime and the mistrust of authority leads to similar conundrums, as Optimus Prime tries to assert his...

Review: Transformers: Lost Light #2

The issue shifts focus onto a parallel world, one where a group known as the Functionists are in charge of Cybertron. I was never one...

The Flash: At Least Next Week Looks Fun

If you thought Flash villains were forgettable before, just wait until you meet whoever this guy is supposed to be. He has a cool guy...

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Explosions!

‘BOOM’ Plot Summary: The fight against the Russians takes an unexpected turn. Elsewhere, Coulson (Clark Gregg) and Mack (Simmons) meet an old associate of Radcliffe’s...

Black Sabbath: Fairytales Wear Boots

Over this past weekend, Black Sabbath performed their final show in Birmingham, England, which officially concluded a two-year celebration of their historic career. Truth...

The Long-Awaited Iron Fist Trailer Finally Drops

Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting...well at least they are in this trailer. Danny Rand (Finn Jones of Game of Thrones fame) aka Iron Fist has finally...

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