HomeWrestlingRAW is Getting Payback

RAW is Getting Payback

This is going to sound strange, but I keep forgetting Payback is this Sunday. Having been out-of-loop for a couple weeks will do that, and this superstar shakeup has been plenty confused how they assembled a feud-filled card so quickly.

There was a time, late 80s’ to 90s’, where the PPV was booked and that’s what built the feuds.

The show kicks off with a recap of last week’s demolition party. The show should revolve about Strowman, but it falls short of that tonight. Chris Jericho begins with the Highlight Reel, until The Miz and Maryse come out and have the ring re-made into the MizTV Show. The ridiculous comedy continues with Dean Ambrose who has it remade into the Ambrose Asylum. Miz continues his verbal shots with calling Ambrose lazy and how he “devalues” the Intercontinental Championship. Ouch. It all breaks down and Ambrose lays Miz out with the Dirty Deeds.

Best part, Jericho demands Ambrose pay him back the 15K for destroying one of his light up jackets. Instead, Ambrose gives him a new Jacket of Jericho, a suit with Christmas lights. Brilliant.

Matt Hardy defeats Sheamus

In a world where Matt Hardy is over, and goes over Sheamus in a singles match. Tension mounts, but respectable mutual something TV trope takes over. We’ve seen this before, it will be inevitable before Cesaro and Sheamus lose it.

Kalisto is really excited about tonight’s Dumpster Match but Kurt Angle is not. He is worried. I mean, last time a gimmick was trashed, wasn’t it the Spirit Squad?

Austin Aries and Jack Gallagher defeat Neville and TJ Perkins

Nice tag team bout, Perkins tagging along as the pseudo-jerk-heel is starting to work, and Neville really does look like a character from Lord of the Rings.  Aries clobbers Perkins with the A-Double Elbow for the win. I’m thinking Perkins is heel just so he can take the fall instead of Neville.

Braun Strowman tries really hard to cut a heel promo, but once he mentions destroying Roman Reigns all chance of that is gone. We Love Braun!

Kalisto defeats Braun Strowman in a Dumpster Match

Okay, nice gesture to let Kalisto get a win, but he still gets the almighty tar beaten out of him. He winds up in the dumpster and tossed off the stage. Now that is a great spot.

Kalisto defeating Strowman? Not sure what the point of doing that really is, maybe it is a pat on the back. Good job! Way to eat concrete!

Creepy Bray Wyatt Promo on Randy Orton. You know, because Bray will somehow win the WWE Championship.

Heaven help me if I ever have to watch another match with Dana Brooke. Her face looks like it was inflated and she botched every other move, and neither are exaggerations.  Evil Emma comes out to hug her.

Backstage: Samoa Joe and The Club cut a great promo, nodding to their respective days in Japan. Well done.

Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, and Big Cass defeat Samoa Joe and The Club

Great match. Enzo Amore is taken out prior to the bell, so Kurt Angle switches in with Finn Balor. Really great match, should have been the night’s main event. Would love to see a triple threat with Joe, Balor, and Rollins for the Just For Sheer Awesome Championship.

Backstage, The Miz frantically searching for a partner to challenge Jericho and Ambrose.

Alexa Bliss cuts an awesome promo. Poking fun at the girly-girl banter and mostly at Bayley, she rips on every cliché to pieces. Bayley and Sasha Banks come out to banter, and we get a short match with Banks winning by count out, as Bliss just walks away. Superb heel move.

Backstage: Heath Slater and Curtis Axel are about to be interviewed regarding their involvement in Marine 5, until Miz arrives to recruit tag team partners. No one wants to do it. Rhyno offers crackers and cheese, but Maryse plate-flips it. Miz is handed a note his partner has arrived…

In the ring, Curt Hawkins acknowledges being a jobber and claims it is to make others famous. Sure. Next to face Hawky is Apollo Crews,  and the crowd goes dead. Crews wins with an impressive spiral powerbomb, but no one cares, because it is Apollo Crews. Titus O’Neal cares though.

Kurt Angle and The Miz are arguing, while A Drifter sings by. No, that’s not The Miz’s partner.

Chris Jericho and Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz and… BRAY WYATT go no contest.

Most of the match sees Miz being pummeled over and over, until finally, lights go out and Bray Wyatt squashed everyone. Miz thinks he is all buddy buddy with the Eater of Worlds, until Bray turns on Miz and lays him out! Yay! Hype for Bray Wyatt to win a match on a PPV featuring the opposite brand!

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkishttps://thepopbreak.com/
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical practice, and runs a telehealth private practice. Most importantly, all members of the household are required to memorize all Autobots and Decepticons in the collection. G1 Forever!

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