Ashy Slashy is back at it again…and better than ever!
After a series run that put the bloody in bloody good time, Ash (Bruce Campbell) is back fighting evil, and slashing prices, while still keeping The Evil Dead franchise alive…well demonically possessed, but still alive.
After “defeating evil” Ash feels he can finally lead a normal life, with his friends Pablo (Ray Santiago) and Kelly (Dana DeLorenzo). With his murderer background finally cleared and his own store to boot, Ash appears to be living what he defines as, “the life.”
However, knowing evil, this doesn’t last for long.
Some fans may worry that after all this time, what can Evil Dead truly have left to offer. Well, the writers behind this show have an answer to that question…they can offer A LOT.
Read our interview with Bruce Campbell about Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 3, Horror Films & More.
In this episode alone, entitled “Family,” we are given a hilarious Bruce Campbell infomercial, seriously, it’s like the man was born to do these. It’s so damn good — raunchy flashbacks, Campbell wearing a porn ‘stache and what appears to be all leather, a gory, yet solid, looking demon panther, and some amazing kill shots to name a few.
Campbell is truly at his best in this episode, showing off his comedic talents, and serious physical talent, in the episode. While the episode does speed up certain plotlines, which is understandably in terms of what they are trying to tell us and how much time they have to do so, the writing still maintains an air of significance and grandeur in storytelling, and proves to me why I love this series so much.
Watching this truly gave me, as a fan of the series, nostalgic feels over not only Campbell as Ash, but of the series as a whole. Not bashing what the series had done so far, as it truly has been revolutionary in its storytelling devices and special effects, but this episode, and this season feels different. It feels unique, it feels funny, it honestly feels like the Evil Dead I remember watching as child…I mean grown adult…
In “Family” we are not only given a breath of fresh air to the Evil Dead franchise, but are shown just how much life is truly left in these Deadites.
Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 3 Premiere Rating: 9 out of 10