HomeVideo GamesStaff Picks: The Best of E3 2018

Staff Picks: The Best of E3 2018

E3 is an event that gamers wait for all year. Even games sometimes get information or footage leaked prior to the event, you still can’t help but be excited for that big E3 announcement as if you had no idea it existed before. It’s basically a week of pretending to work but you’re actually sneaking time wherever you can to watch your anticipated game presentation.

Every year, there are big name games to look forward to, there are brand new indie games that will blow your mind, and everyone leaves excited about something. Seriously, if you aren’t excited about even one game by the end of E3, you’re doing it wrong. However, not everything is perfect. Some things will leave you feeling utterly disappointed and wondering what you just witnessed. It’d be so much easier if someone just sifted through and told you succinctly what you should check out. Well, good news, we already took the time to do that. So, here is a list of our best of E3.

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

Metal Wolf Chaos is one of the worst video games ever made. The controls are slippery. The gameplay is repetitive. The voice acting is terrible. The graphics are bland.

But the plot.

Metal Wolf Chaos follows President Michael Wilson as he attempts to stop a coup orchestrated by his Vice President, the evil Richard Hawk, with nothing but his wits, his will, and a forty foot tall mech named Metal Wolf. It is insane and it’s exactly the game the world needs right now.

And for the longest time, it was only available in Japan but thanks to the magic of every single game that was even remotely popular getting an HD rerelease, President Michael Wilson is finally coming to America. It’s the best things that has happened to fans of terrible games since Yooka-Laylee. And if you aren’t sold yet, Metal Wolf Chaos XD got a new tagline that embodies everything great about this game.


-Matthew Kelly


Ghost of Tsushima

I’ve been a Sucker Punch fan from the beginning. The Sly Cooper games make one of my favorite series of all time and I may or may not have a Cooper family cane leaning against the wall as I write this. That said, Sucker Punch’s Sly Cooper or inFAMOUS games have never quite made up the PlayStation console’s defining titles, instead being relegated to b-movie equivalents with undeniably entertaining games that fall short of blowing their audience’s minds or pushing the respective console to its limits.

That is, until now.

In an eight minute gameplay demo, Sucker Punch showed us that, yes, they have grown up since inFAMOUS: Second Son and they are dead set on making their best game yet. Ghost of Tsushima takes us to the not-unfamiliar landscape of feudal Japan during the Mongol invasion with a protagonist who is clearly a samurai. The open world looks both immersive and breathtakingly gorgeous. Impeccable attention was clearly given to frame composition as every pixel of the demo may as well have been a painting of the world Sucker Punch has painstakingly brought to life.

Combat looks to be a newly designed sword-fighting mechanic with Jin’s katana, while also incorporating stealth elements and takedowns reminiscent of Batman: Arkham Knight. But then the demo wrapped with a brief but incredible duel between our hero and Masako, who was his ally only seconds before. The duel itself was contrasted against a fiery sunset in a field of fallen fallen leaves as the Mongols get closer. It is unclear if this development is a regular occurrence in Ghost of Tsushima’s open world or if this is a pivotal moment in the game’s story.

Sony was disappointingly mute on what the game’s narrative will be, but Ghost of Tsushima is almost certain to be one of the PlayStation 4’s most thrilling exclusive titles. The only thing we’re missing is a release date.

-Matt Gilbert

Todd Howard

The Bethesda conference got off to a rocky start, no doubt about it. As the DOOM: Infinite developer asked, “you wanna see hell on earth?” Put a live rock band in a show where people just want to see some video games. After a lot of dull content for Rage 2 (who asked for this?), Prey and The Elder Scrolls Online, this was shaping up to be another EA Play. Todd Howard to the rescue!

Howard has been a meme of the industry for a while despite being one of the most successful developers in gaming due to his penchant for announcing a new platform for Skyrim what seems like every year. Walking out on stage looking like Marty McFly and carrying himself with a perfectly relaxed and casual demeanor, we knew this was going to be something different.

This time, he made himself meme-proof with a hilarious video of Skyrim: Very Special Edition (a real mode you can get for your Amazon Echo now) featuring Keegan Michael Key. After getting our attention, Todd shifted focus to what the fans really wanted to see more about: Fallout 76. What was revealed essentially amounted to an Elder Scrolls Online for the Fallout universe, but Howard was able to keep talking about it as though Bethesda was announcing an entire console. The game even got a very friendly release date of November 14th, making Fallout 76 an almost instant Game of the Year front runner.

But he wasn’t done. Howard also showed us an Elder Scrolls game for mobile, and then announced Bethesda studios’ first new IP in over 20 years, Starfield. Details were slim on the project, but if Bethesda is bringing its RPG skills from The Elder Scrolls and Fallout to the space exploration genre, that’s definitely going to be something to pay attention to. We have a while to wait though, as he said Starfield is being developed for the next console generation. But he still wasn’t done. Because Todd Howard wrapped up his charismatic and all-time great E3 run by announcing that game. The one gamers have been clamoring for for years now. We got no information on it, but confirmation on The Elder Scrolls VI is better than nothing at all. Thanks, Todd. See you next year with more?

-Matt Gilbert


Spider-Man has had a bumpy history with video games. The most universally praised game he was in is over a decade old, with Spider-Man 2’s (2004) open world providing players the ability to swing all around the city, and complete major or minor missions much like Grand Theft Auto.

However, developer Insomniac Games has gotten their hands on the Spidey license, and boy, I’m pretty glad about that. Released at E3 2018 was gameplay footage of Spider-Man (that’s the title of the game, and will probably not change) where he’s doing everything a spider can, and it looks gorgeous. Seems like the wallcrawler has his hands full with Sinister Six, as he’s seen battling them at the maximum security prison called The Raft.

The game seems to share similar traits to the Batman: Arkham series. This is probably a good thing, as that those adventures gave Batman a lot of video game bragging rights. Anyway, the Spider -Man footage ends with a cliffhanger (dammnit), and we won’t know the result until September 7th. The game was preordered by yours truly before this sneak peek was even released. Insomniac clearly knows what they are doing with my boy, and I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

-Logan J. Fowler

Resident Evil 2 (Remake)

More Bathrooms, More Fun.

It took twenty years but Leon “Dreamboat” S. Kennedy has finally been fully rendered in a next generation system. Fixed camera angles have been relegated to the dustbin of history as a more modern, third-person camera has been adopted instead. A part of me is heartbroken but I’m willing to see how things play out before I talk about how gamers were cooler back in my day and sound like an old person. The graphics from the RE engine are wonderful and just as gory as ever.

Zombie arms will creak and then snap off like a tree when shot at, defensive knives from Resident Evil 1 make a comeback, and herbs are combined with rolling paper as they should be. I appreciate how they want to flesh out more of the supporting Racoon City Police Department characters so they can seem more like human beings instead of props. I also have to tip my cap to making the layout of the police station more realistic. Yes, there is a bathroom now for the the police officials to relieve themselves in when they’re not getting their faces eaten off. For those wondering, Claire is involved just like in the original but there is no gameplay footage of her yet. I look forward to seeing her in future videos.

My eyebrow does raise with worry due to two factors though: soundtrack, and UI. Resident Evil 2’s original soundtrack by Masami Ueda, in collaboration with others, is a classic. It’s emphasis on piano instrumentation with subtle influences from ‘90s cinema made it both scary and unique. Hopefully the music we heard for the gameplay walkthrough was temporary because it’s terrible. I also hope that there is a way to minimize the UI elements on screen, just have things that are important be a little shiner than everything else. Don’t take me out of it with huge icons onscreen all the time.

-Scott Clifford

Last of Us Part 2

Lady Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang Returns Ground breaking, brutal, and controversial. The sequel to Naughty Dog’s 2013 masterpiece decided to steal the spotlight at this years E3 conference. Sure, much of it was probably scripted but if the flow of combat can be half as good as what was shown then I’ll be a happy man. To be more specific, Ellie’s ability to completely use the environment without having constant UI pop-ups really immersed me. She can hide under a car and get dragged out from behind from someone else in one moment, and she shoots her bow while dodging axe swings from crazy people. Developers have mentioned that this game is about how hate drives people as opposed to love in the first one. I have a feeling that that kiss will be the high point of a lot of bad things that she is going to encounter.

I just have some questions. Where’s Joel? He’s mentioned in the demo but I want to know if he is playable or not. More importantly, where is the multiplayer. Last of Us multiplayer was one of my favorite game modes in 2013. The intense mix of crafting and brutal combat led to many late nights for me when I should have been writing. Will the meta survivor aspect of the game be in the sequel, will it possibly be improved? Will there finally be clickers in multiplayer so everyone has to stay on their toes from infected as well as humans? I guess I just want more information like everyone else.

-Scott Clifford

Kingdom Hearts III

While this game has soured for people over the past 13 years since the last flagship Kingdom Hearts game (which includes an entire console generation), this is something I’ve been waiting 13 YEARS FOR! Fortunately, if KH3 proves anything it will be that “the best things come to those who wait.”

Between the flashy gameplay, combos, summons, Disney rides, worlds, and new characters, it looks like KH3 has a lot to offer fans of the series. It’s hard to tell if the success or hype of KH3 comes from the fact that there’s been very little shown at previous E3s and now between all the trailers and gameplay videos it seems like Square Enix just dropped everything but the kitchen sink with the latest content showing. Additionally, the fact that fans finally got a released date for this long awaited game adds to why fans are excited (myself included).

Looking at the gameplay videos it looks like Kingdom Hearts 3 will have several options for players to choose their playstyles. Keyblade transformation reward players for pulling off certain combos that will lead to devastating finishers. Moreover, the moves fan change in style from world to world which looks like it keeps the gameplay fresh as you progress through the game. Finally, it’s great to see some new characters after all these years, there’s Pixar additions including Monster, Inc. and Toy Story as well as more recent characters from Tangled, Big Hero 6, and Frozen. All of these additions, and the fact that it’s finally coming out, makes Kingdom Hearts 3 my best of E3.

-DJ Chapman

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, which may explain why everyone and their grandmother is the “Dark Souls of” anything these days. Just look at the highly successful LawBreakers for example, the Darks Souls of first-person shooters. Flattery aside, From Software still manages to put a new spin on their iconic combat system, and quite literally too.

From Software is making it more than clear that Sekiro, is a SoulsBorne derived game, at least in its imagery. There are giant doors that require not one, but two hands to open! The return of trick weapons. A Gherman-like figure covered is suspiciously bestial hair and a suspiciously Doll-like girl. Not to mention, a parry system and unforgiving attack animations. But we’ve seen all this before, we have an entire trilogy and then some of this.

With the help of a neato, grappling hook arm, the introduction of aerial combat accompanied by Japanese inspired trick weapons and implications of Tenchu-like stealth will surely make for some ridiculous combos, and hopefully, even more ridiculous PVP matches.

Death Stranding

It’s been nearly three years since the announcement of Death Stranding and the reason why everyone believed Daryl was going to die on Season 7 of The Walking Dead, and still nobody knows what’s going on. But we’re still going to buy it, self included.

Kojima and company didn’t show much of gameplay other than a whole lot of walking and climbing in some beautiful, desolate landscapes, all the while reminding the world that Hideo Kojima has superior musical tastes.

However, this particular spotlight has been the most insightful since the title’s first announcement back at E3 2016. Along with the introduction of two new actresses joining the ranks along Mads Mikkelsen and Norman Reedus, Death Stranding’s E3 2018 barely shed some light on the cryptic world of Sam Porter Bridges and the invisible, time manipulating nightmares that inhabit it, but that is just enough to produce a wave of fan theories and dissections.

Also, future fashion is the best fashion.

-Alisha Weinberger


Cyberpunk 2077

Maybe the only other title that can hold its own against Death Stranding for the most anticipated and for the best futuristic streetwear. We thought we would never see any of CD Projekt’s Cyberpunk 2077 until maybe the year 2077. Gameplay is still hush hush, although certain outlets have been supposedly privy to a demo, no actual footage has been shown. The theatrical trailer gave us our first look at the customizable protagonist V and the fleshed out, colorful world of Night City.

Night City may be experienced both during night and day, and will not be saturated with the neverending neon and rainy dreariness of most cyberpunk inspired franchises (it’s okay Blade Runner, I still love you). Similar to GTA V, Night City is as much of a character as V is, with its own subcultures and regions, from rural trailer parks, punk-rock slums, to luxury, corporate controlled downtown districts. Although the first-person perspective has many raising eyebrows, it has been confirmed that the UI will change depending on the confrontation the player may find themselves in. Hopefully, this may imply a customizable augmented-reality mechanic to the game which will surely stand it apart from CD Projekt’s medieval open-world counterpart, The Witcher.

But the most pressing question that should be on everyone’s mind: Will there be sex atop a robot unicorn?

-Alisha Weinberger


In an E3 full of photorealism and so many skin pores and laugh lines to ogle at, it will always be refreshing to see an indie title pushing the visual envelope. What better style to push said envelope with than the psychedelic, sprawling landscapes of Moebius. Sable looks to be a promising and astonishing indie darling from a mere two-person London based team, Shedworks.

Reminiscent to Journey, Sable may be our first playable comic book, and has many calling it the companion to Breath of the Wild. Sadly this beautiful open desert world won’t be available until 2019.

Not to mention, any game that uses Japanese Breakfast in its soundtrack is already doing it right.

-Alisha Weinberger

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Every year I look forward to Nintendo. And I know it’s not going to happen, but damn it, I always have that little shred of hope for an Animal Crossing announcement. Still, Nintendo, you always come through for me by giving me exactly what I want. Which this year, was finally revealing the new Smash Bros fight roster.

It. Is. Everything.

Literally. It’s everything. Everyone from ever.

If you have never played a Super Smash Bros game, then you are truly missing out on one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games to ever exist. For those who don’t really know what it is (which is impressive, because it’s been around since the N64), it’s a series-crossover, fighting game, with a brief campaign mode that is honestly, always interesting but mainly you play it to unlock characters. As of the Wii U version, you can play with up to 8 players. I really don’t recommend it though. The screen zooms-out too far, some of the terrain really isn’t suitable for that many characters, just, trust me, 4 is plenty. Anyway, so basically you get to pick from a variety of Nintendo (and third party) characters, all with unique moves and abilities, and beat the crap out of your friends’ characters. With each new Smash Bros installment, some characters were removed and some were added (excluding the twelve core characters that have been in every game since the beginning). This was nice because, hey, new characters! But it was also frustrating many because you may have perfected a character only for them to be removed in the next game.

None of that matters now though because this new Smash Bros will include, not only new characters, but every playable character that has ever appeared in the franchise. I feel like this is something every fan of the series is going to be excited about. How could you not be? Even if you weren’t a fan before, now is the time to become one, because you’re going to have every character, without having to feel the betrayal of any of them being taken away. You just get them all. The switch makes for the perfect platform for this introduction as well because of its versatility of online, travel, and big screen play. I know Melee is still held in the highest esteem, but I’m very hopeful that this new game will finally be the one to take it’s place.

-Rachel Freeman

The 2018 E3 brought us a lot to look forward to, but these games really made an impression on us. So be on the look out!

Pop-Break Staff
Pop-Break Staffhttps://thepopbreak.com
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

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