Watching Becca stroll around the Bahamas has me yearning for a vacation.
Becca reveals to the men that there is no rose ceremony this week. There will be 3 one-on-one dates and a group date and that’s it.
There are rumors of the men talking about how Colton needs to tell Becca that he is a virgin. My initial reaction is just, there’s no way. Colton previously dated Olympic gymnast Aly Raisman… how would he not have taken that opportunity?
Date 1 – Single Date
Participant – Colton
As usual, Becca is all over Colton. She talks about how attractive she finds him. A strange man on a strange boat convinces the couple to go conch shell hunting. They get into the water and dive deep to grab a conch. The strange man convinces them both to pull the pistol out of the conch and eat it raw. Apparently, the pistol of a conch is an aphrodisiac, which is very appropriate for the two of them considering how all over each other they are.
During the dinner portion of the date Colton tells Becca that he’s a virgin, and she seems shocked, but also she doesn’t look shocked? Her face is pretty expressionless when she said “Really?” Although she appreciated him telling her that information, she leaves the room and it appears to be very dramatic. I don’t know if anyone actually believes that Becca has to second-guess this scenario. She doesn’t seem like the kind of girl who would be bothered by this information. Meanwhile, I’m upset that they devoted 30 minutes to this topic. In the end, Becca gives Colton a rose and seems to appreciate that he’s been honest with her since all she’s been asking for this season is honesty.
Date 2 – Single Date
Participant – Garrett
Date Prompt – “Love is in the air”
They’re in a plane flying above the ocean. I’m sure it’s an awesome date to be on, but it’s a bit dull to watch. On the date they play in the sand, swing on a tire swing, play in the water. Garrett admits that it’s weird to see the other guys have dates and come home from dates with her. They talk some more and kiss, but Becca doesn’t seem to be 100% on it. She seems confident about their physical relationship but seemed doubtful about how real the rest of their relationship was. During the dinner portion of the date, he melted her when he told her that he was falling in love with her. Garrett receives a rose.
Date 3 – Single Date
Participant – Blake
Date Prompt – “You make my heart skip a beat”
The Baha Men are here! I forgot they existed, let alone are still together and making new music. They were playing their new song “Bumpa“. Becca and Blake are dancing together and seem to be having a fun time. Cut away to Blake and Becca making out on a beach and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Becca and Blake talk and the most interesting thing that Becca said was “In a way, I do sympathize with Arie” now that she’s in his shoes, she can finally see what its like to fall for multiple people at a time. Blake tells Becca about how his mother had an affair with his basketball coach and English teacher. He discusses how he wants his relationships to be open because there was no openness with his own family. He admits his love for Becca and her response is “You’re going to make my heart burst”. After a lot of kissing, Blake receives a rose. Becca admits to the camera that she’s in love with him as well. She says she can 100% see herself with him as her husband… and I guess that’s a wrap people. Everyone else can go home.
Date 4 – Group Date
Participants – Jason, Leo, Wills
Date Prompt – “These days are never easy”
The four start off the date playing volleyball and I’m instantly flashed back to Nick’s season where he had the girls playing volleyball on a beach as well. She has one on one time with Wills. She then has one on one time with Jason. And lastly, she has time with Leo. With Leo, Becca addresses that they’re not as far along as they should be, and Leo is sent home.
She has more alone time with Jason. Becca addresses that some of the other guys have been more vocal with their feelings and that he’s been more reserved. Jason leaves their alone time a bit concerned, Next up is Wills. They make out a bunch then giggle. Based solely on their alone time conversation, I’m feeling more confident with Wills.
She sits down with the two men and explains that this has been the biggest decision she’s made so far. Jason gets offered the rose and my heart is breaking for Wills. “This is the hardest decision I’ve honestly had to make” claims Becca. I feel so bad for him and as much as I know that Jason is better for Becca, my heart still hurts for Wills. He asks to get out of the car so that he can cry off camera.
The list of men who receive roses:
🌹 Colton (Single Date 1)
🌹 Garrett (Single Date 2)
🌹 Blake (Single Date 3)
🌹 Jason (Group Date 4)
List of the men who were cut this week:
Next week is Hometowns! We get a glimpse at some drama that involves Tia and Colton, can’t wait till next week!