HomeBooksIDW Comics Review: Transformers Lost Light #21

IDW Comics Review: Transformers Lost Light #21

Before I begin, I want to point out this month’s Lost Light ‘B’ cover was done by Geoff Senior. A classic artist from the days of Transformers comics by Marvel U.S. and U.K. Such a classic homage cover. It’s an awesome piece of art-work. This cover reminds me of his art for the Wreckers and Mayhem Attack Squads in the Transformers UK series. So well done.

This issue is an excellent read. No doubt about it. An old big bad rears his ugly mug, the death toll continues to climb, and the combined might of the Lost Light crew and The Scavengers might not be enough to stop what, or who is coming. Since last issue, we were given very little to go on about a Great Enemy whom this self-proclaimed “Grand Architect” feared so much, he was willing to destroy and re-shape planets. This figure has remained in the shadows for too long. When I saw the reveal, I was shocked. Let’s just say, unless you see someone die, don’t assume they are dead. Ever. Rule #1 of comic books.

It’s a great read. James Roberts, as I have said before, gets the reader. Hooks. Draws you in. All this talk of a great destroyer, the ultimate evil. You know where this is heading, right? That last page though. Wow.

Kudos as always to Joana Lafuente and Jack Lawrence on art and colors. Fantastic work as always. It’s amazing how bright their work is and how you can see the emotion on the faces of every character. Even the ones with faceplates and no mouths. The ongoing development of the characters in the series shows how the IDW crew really took care of giving every character a deeper backstory, rather than assume to go on a classic G1 bio or what we knew about characters. I never viewed it as changing origins or altering characters, but creating a new story for each. It’s been great.

Lost Light #21 gets a 10 out of 10.

I am serious. This issue was awesome.

Transformers Lost Light #21 is now available at comic book retailers everywhere.

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis has been a writer for The Pop Break since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. When he is not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives at the television while playing video games or watching wrestling, Michael actually has a full-time job,as a Mental Health Professional, working at a medical practice in New Jersey, and runs his own telehealth private practice. A family man through-and-through, requiring his three children to memorize all the Autobots and Decepticons on the collection shelves while also educating them in all things Marvel and Star Wars. You know, the stuff Disney owns.

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