HomeBooksReview: Bone Parish #3

Review: Bone Parish #3

This review will have spoilers from the last two issues. If you’re not caught up please wait to dive into reading this. That is unless you like spoilers and want caught up.

In Issue #2 we learned all about the winter’s family and how things operate. With more detail thanks to flashbacks we saw how the siblings interact with one another before their father died. After the OD of one of the drug sellers some of the Winter’s family was shocked. Some were sad, but one character’s reaction was “meh” at best. Brigitte was not at all what I expected as we learned more about her.

At the end of issue #2 we discovered far more about the extraction and harvesting of Ash. After some helpful flashbacks we learned how Brigitte got into creating Ash. Her once living boyfriend Lucien taught her everything she knows. And, she likes to utilize his ash to go back in time in a sense to see if there’s anything she’s missing. We also learned that the same high can be harvested from the living under the cruelest extremes.

This issue picks up with Rafael being super angry about the fact that Grace Winters wouldn’t negotiate with him. He wants ash NOW. Rafael plans to stop at nothing in this issue to get his hands on all the secrets, and ash itself. And, speaking of secrets, Brigitte uses ash again in this issue to try and learn more from Lucien. This time things take a dark turn and opens her eyes.

While all this is going on utter chaos is happening at the graveyard. Rafael was not playing around with threats. Will the Winter’s family keep their business?

In my own personal opinion I think the ash trip Brigitte took is waking her up to how Dante OD’d in the last issue. Which of course answers that question somewhat more for readers. And, I find it ironic considering her reaction to his death. This issue clearly focused more on the current state of the Winter’s family and operations.

So far Bone Parish has been great at setting up plot and answering questions all while adding more. This issue is no different.

Rating: 8/10

Bone Parish #3 is currently available in comic book stores nationwide.

Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher AKA cosplayer Sheena Bot. She and her husband have been making cosplay magic since 2008. She has been consistently writing comic reviews for titles Harley Quinn, Supergirl, and Rat Queens. Sheena and her husband like to collect money for charities at different conventions during the weekend. By day she works as an Enrollment Agent at MorphoTrust. She is a Fairmont State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Follow her on Faceboook: sheenabotcosplay

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