HomeBooksReview: Skyward #7

Review: Skyward #7

This review will contain spoilers from previous issues. If you are looking to catch up you are in the right place. If you don’t want spoilers please wait to read this review.

So Issue #6 ended with a whole new aspect I did not see coming. A monster type creature. Something that eats humans and hunts them mercilessly. Something that exists in our current world. A creature that I personally think is beautiful and giggle at the sight of. A creature that if it were to land on me, I would not swat it away.

So, what is this deadly beautiful creature? The common dragonfly. Well, of course in the zero gravity world things are no longer how they once were. The dragonflies are much larger now. Readers learned why humans no longer live in the forest. And, the screwed up part is Edison knew all along and actually helped cover it up.

Unfortunately Willa and friends now know first-hand how terrifying the dragonflies. This issue picks up with people grieving and realizing their time may be short. If you recall the train stopped in dead center of a large forest. Willa has leaped out trying to save one a man from becoming a dragonfly feast.

Watching Willa navigate the forest all while trying to rescue the single father is amazing. The artwork combined with the amazing story-telling left me pumped and ready to squish some dragonflies. Here is where we also learn even more about life for a planet with no gravity and where food comes from. Farms of course.

Yes, farms do exist in this Zero G world. And, the people that own them are bad asses that fight off huge killer insects. And, we get introduced to a new character, Lucas. But, we don’t know a lot about Lucas other than he is helping the people on the train. So, my question, can Lucas really be trusted?

I have to start off by saying this was another phenomenal issue of Skyward. I was blown away in the last issue by the introduction of these massive killer insects. And, this issue delivered more action and answers in regards to the insects. A lot was revealed about life in the forests too for humans. Things that clearly not even city dwellers knew of. The story just keeps getting better and better.

Rating: 8/10

Skyward #7 is now available at comic book retailers everywhere.

Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher
Sheena Fisher AKA cosplayer Sheena Bot. She and her husband have been making cosplay magic since 2008. She has been consistently writing comic reviews for titles Harley Quinn, Supergirl, and Rat Queens. Sheena and her husband like to collect money for charities at different conventions during the weekend. By day she works as an Enrollment Agent at MorphoTrust. She is a Fairmont State University graduate with a bachelor's degree in Family & Consumer Sciences. Follow her on Faceboook: sheenabotcosplay

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