HomeTelevisionThe Bachelor Season 23 Episode 7: We're Down to the Final Four

The Bachelor Season 23 Episode 7: We’re Down to the Final Four

Just in case anyone lost rack, we’re already down to seven girls. Hannah G, Hannah B., Tayshia, Kirpa, Caelynn, Cassie, and Heather. Colton is getting in his own head about three of the girls who have previously left mentioning that some of the girls in the house aren’t ready for this, and now, he’s not sure who he can trust. He says “Good news, we’re going to Denver” which is only funny because they just came back from all of these beautiful Asian countries.

They go to Denver, and all the girls are kind of walking on egg shells from what happened last week. Colton meets up with former Bachelor, Ben Higgins, and talks about how he’s doing. He basically just says that it’s about to get real. Ben gives Colton a little counseling and a bro hug, then heads out for his date.

We get to see Colton’s dog, Sniper! He seems to be an older black lab, and he gets a lot of loving from the ladies. Colton mentions that there was going to be a date that was going to start “right now” and he pulls Tayshia into the date. Based on how well Tayshia and Colton get along, its safe to assume that Tayshia is going to hometowns.

Date 1 – Solo
Participant – Tayshia

The two are walking Sniper through Denver. Colton walks Tayshia through his favorite spots in Denver. His “average Saturday” spots, which apparently involve oysters, wine tasting, and ice cream. They even get an ice cream for Sniper, which is the cutest thing. They start talking about what happened last week with the girls who left and what they had said. He asks her opinions on what she’s seen or heard. Tayshia mentions some disheartening conversations and says that some of the girls might not be in this for the right reasons.

She name-drops Cassie and Caelynn. Tayshia said they’re talking about being the next Bachelorette and they talk about not being ready for getting engaged at the end of this. Colton says it sucks, and you can see he’s shook. There’s a part of me that thinks Tayshia is name-dropping Cassie and Caelynn because they might be her biggest competition, but we also don’t get 24-hour coverage of what gets said in the house, so it’s hard to say.

During the dinner portion of his date, they’re at his house and they’re cooking dinner together. They cook salmon and veggies, Tayshia admits that her dad may be a bit apprehensive because he’s protective of her. She also admits that her dad is going to have hesitation and questions to a new man entering her life. Colton says a father’s blessing is important to him. He also says he’s excited to meet her family and Tayshia gets the date rose.

Back at the house

Tayshia tells Kirpa that she spoke to Colton about Caelynn and Cassie, and Kirpa seems glad that Tayshia told him, which leads me to believe that Caelynn and Cassie might have actually said the things that Tayshia brought up.

Date 2 – Solo Date
Participant – Caelynn
Prompt – “Meet me in the Rockies”

They meet on the Rocky Mountains and the view is stunning. He tells Caelynn that they’re going to go snowboarding. And it’s cute because Caelynn has never snowboarded before, so he was teaching her. After they snowboard, he addresses the things that Tayshia has said. Caelynn says it doesn’t make sense because this is all completely fabricated. She hates that the Bachelorette got brought up because it’s not true. Caelynn becomes very defensive, either because she has never said any of those things, or because she got caught.

During the dinner portion of the date. Caelynn admits that she’s not doing the best right now on this date. Colton says that there’s too many distractions and he’s questioning everything. “I’m heading into hometowns and I have no clue what the f*** I’m doing” he admits to the camera. She said she felt that she didn’t get the chance to fully articulate her feelings because she was caught so off-guard. She felt a future she pictured so vividly was almost ripped away from her. She talks about the future she wants, and she wanted to tell him that she’s falling in love with him. He said that coming into the day, he was concerned, but all those fears are lifted. He gets excited when he’s with her and he’s falling in love with her, so he offers her the date rose. They go to an outdoor concert of “Brett Young” and it’s in an empty stadium, where they dance and kiss.

Back at the house
Caelynn pulls Tayshia to the side, she mentions the things that Tayshia says to Colton and basically asks why Tayshia would say those things. Tayshia mentions that she only brought up what she heard from Katie. She also said that the only people who got defensive about the information were Caelynn and Cassie and that all the other girls noticed it. There was some back and forth bickering and then Tayshia got up and walked away.

Date 3 – Solo Date
Participant – Hannah B.
Prompt – “Home is where the heart is”

Colton drives Hannah B. to his parent’s house. She meets all of his family, which is a pretty big deal, because he wouldn’t just bring anyone to meet his family. Colton’s dad pulls him to the side and asks him how he’s doing. Colton conveys that he’s worried because of the things that all the girls are saying about each other. His father looks at him and said “Don’t focus on that. Listen to your gut” and it was so refreshing to hear his father thinking so clearly. Because sometimes Colton does get a bit bogged down in the gossip of the house. Colton’s mom talks to Hannah and recommends she’s honest with him and that she should always wear her heart on her sleeve with him.

During the dinner portion of the date, they’re both wearing black-tie formal attire, yet they seem to be eating in an aircraft hangar, which is a bit bizarre. Colton asks Hannah how she knows that she’s ready. She said she’s in the portion of her life where she doesn’t just date around, she dates to get married. Colton says that she’s been honest this whole time, but coming into this week, he hasn’t questioned if he’s ready for “them”. He mentions that he doesn’t feel that he could shake her father’s hand, knowing that he wasn’t sure about them. And just like that, Hannah B. is out of the game. She doesn’t quite compile full thoughts about the breakup, and she was even smiling through most of it (it’s that pageant girl in her). And the following standard actions take place: He walks her to the limo, she cries while in the limo, a random man goes into the house to take her luggage, the girls all act shocked (and pretend to not be thrilled that another bit of competition is gone), and they showed Colton sitting alone at the date table with the rose that Hannah didn’t get.

There go my final four predictions…

Date 4 – Group Date
Participant – Hannah G., Kirpa, Cassie, Heather
Prompt – “Saying Goodbye isn’t easy”

There’s a fun shot of all of the girls in the limo and they’re all staring in different directions and not talking to each other. Colton pulls up in an old-style steam locomotive train and picks the four girls up. Colton basically wants to find out which of the girls is in this for the right reasons. They do a quick glimpse of the table that has two roses sitting on it, which means there will be no rose ceremony this week.

Heather sits with him first, and Colton starts talking about how hard this week has been. Heather says that it’s not fair to him to take him to her hometown since she’s not 100% there with him. He agrees with her, and just like that, Heather is out. He walks her to the train and she’s off. So now, this date is between Hannah G, Kirpa, and Cassie, one of them will be going home.

Cassie sits with Colton and there’s an unusual tension between them. Colton mentions that Tayshia brought up Cassie’s name. She says that she’s so shocked about any of those rumors that the other girls might have said. She said she feels helpless because there’s no truth to it and she doesn’t know what she could say. She then repeats herself a few times a gets a bit defensive. She tells him that she wouldn’t be there with him if she didn’t see a future with him. Colton’s gut tells him that she wouldn’t say any of the things that Tayshia said she did.

Kirpa sits with Colton, they talk about all of the rumors that have been coming up. It is a bit repetitive of a conversation that he’s been having with all of the women. Kirpa comes back from her time with Colton and tells the other girls what she talked about. Cassie asks why Kirpa would spend her time with Colton talking about her. They start bickering about what’s true and what’s not. “Why would Katie say that if it wasn’t true?” and it is a bit odd that they’re holding an old contestant’s word as law. Realistically, they should all be looking at it like ‘This woman could have said anything to mess with Colton’s mind before heading out’ but none of them are taking it that way.

Colton comes back and sits with the three girls. He picks up the two roses and admits that he’s not quite sure what he wants to do just yet, so he wants to take this date into the evening because he needs some clarity.

All the girls go to a mansion and sit down at a beautiful dinner table. Colton said he got clarity on one thing, and he pulls Hannah away. The tension between Kirpa and Cassie is too damn high. Colton goes back into the room and grabs one of the roses, which means Hannah is safe and will be going to home towns.

The date has officially turned into a two-on-one. They even show Hannah going back to the house with the rose. Colton is having is alone time with Kirpa, which is very average, and they show Caelynn walking up to the date location. It’s pretty weird because I didn’t realize the date location was within walking distance of the house. It’s also weird because she walks through the mansion in her lounge clothes, while everyone else is in black-tie attire. She walks up to Colton and tells her that she knows it’s helping the competition, but she would hate to see someone go home due to gossip. She said that all of the gossip going around was bullshit.

They don’t show the full conversation, but they show her leave. She didn’t say a single word to either Cassie or Kirpa. Colton sits back down with the girls and gives the rose to Cassie and walks Kirpa out. Kirpa told the camera that she’s sure that Caelynn coming in had something to do with it, but honestly, I think we’re all pretty surprised that Kirpa made it this far to begin with. Colton walks back into the room and hugs Cassie, and it looks like we’re set for hometowns next week with Cassie, Caelynn, Hannah G., and Tayshia.

Next week is hometowns! Buckle up, kiddos!

The list of women who receive roses:
🌹 Tayshia (Solo Date 1)
🌹 Caelynn (Solo Date 2)
🌹 Hannah G. (Group Date)
🌹 Cassie (Group Date)

List of the women who were cut this week:
Hannah B.

Episode “Virgin” Count: 0


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