Chris starts The Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 11 by telling the audience that this will be “A very different version of The Men Tell All.”
The episode picks up where it left off in Greece. Peter, Tyler, and Jed are the only men remaining. When Peter entered the screen, there was some slight cheering in the background from the live audience, but when Tyler entered the screen, the audience erupted. I guess we know who the fan-favorite is.
Luke was sent home last episode and Hannah mentioned that she had no regrets. Meanwhile, they show Luke in a car making his way towards the rose ceremony location. Luke is talking to the audience and he sounds like a crazy ex-boyfriend. He says things like “She didn’t say she loved me, but I know she does” and “I’m not done with her yet”. He arrives at the rose ceremony area and he stands next to the other men who are none the wiser.
They just assume that he successfully made it through fantasy suites. Hannah walks into the room, sees Luke and her face drops. “Why are you here?” She tells him to leave and tells him to get away from her. Once the guys hear that Hannah sent him home, a small smile crosses over their faces. Hannah screams at him to “LEAVE” at this point. She’s tired of everything being all about him. He says this isn’t over for him and Hannah straight up moves the rose podium closer to the other guys so she can focus on them. The other guys FINALLY catch the hint and step between Luke and Hannah.
Hannah should pick all three of the men because she looks great standing with all of them by her side. Luke kept saying things like “You didn’t understand me” and “That wasn’t you” as in, he’s continuing to put the blame on her. Luke said he was misunderstood, and Hannah said there was nothing to really talk about. Chris Harrison steps in and asks what Hannah wants, and she said she didn’t want Luke to be there and Luke said “That’s all I needed to hear” and he left. The men rejoice that Luke is finally gone, but they keep showing Luke walking away.
That’s all they show of the episode, so we’ll have to wait for the next episode to see the rose ceremony and who gets sent home.
The Bachelorette Season 15 Episode 11 starts with Luke joining Chris in the hot-seat. Very little applause from the audience. Chris asked Luke what he was hoping for by returning to the rose ceremony after being sent home, and Luke answered with “Clarity and Closure.” Chris asked about that statement Luke made when he said that if Hannah did have sex during the fantasy suites that he would go home. Luke spins something about how it wasn’t a statement, but it was a question. That he was asking if she had done it. Chris asks Luke another question and Luke takes a minute to respond, which doesn’t sound like a long time, but a minute of empty air on tv is like an eternity.
Overall, Luke doesn’t say anything different than he’s already said or anything out of the ordinary from what you would expect him to say. Chris asked Luke if he was still in love with Hannah, and he answered with yes. And then Chris asked him if he felt like he made any mistakes and Luke responded that if he could go back, he wouldn’t change anything. There continues to be conversation between Chris and Luke, and someone interrupts from backstage. Devin came in from back stage and interjects that Luke is coming across as a man who wants a woman who he can control. Meanwhile, let’s talk about Devin’s red suede blazer that had a white rose floral baroque design on it. Devin is sent back backstage until it is time for all of the men to make their way out.
Eventually, all of the men join Chris on stage and it’s really fun to watch Chris introduce the men, because with every name said, the audience applauded either a lot or a little. Specific men that stood out are Cam, who got no cheers, and Connor, Grant, and Mike, who were all fan favorites. Luke, who is still in the hot seat next to Chris Harrison, makes his stand that there was nothing he could have done to get the target off his back, and Mike is the first man to call him out. He says a particularly strong phase of “I think your future wife is going to be a prisoner of you,” so wow. Conner gave him possibly the only complement of the night by saying he respected Luke for showing up because he’s about to walk into the fire. Connor literally said “Fuck you” to him.
Luke apologized to all of the men for what he did throughout the season, and Mike said he didn’t accept Luke’s apology specifically because Luke previously said he wouldn’t change anything that he did throughout the season, when he could have said something along the lines about being more respectful to the other guys in the house.
Chris Harrison brings up John Paul Jones. They show some of the clips from the show about John Paul Jones having a good time. He could make a good next bachelor in my own opinion. They bring a girl onto the stage who is wearing a “WWJPJD?” t-shirt and she has a pair of scissors. She asks if she could cut a loch of John Paul Jone’s hair off… AND HE LETS HER. They mention that he’s going to be on Bachelor in Paradise. They also hand out chicken nuggets to the crowd, since JPJ loves chicken nuggets. He starts tossing them into the crowd like candy, and this must be one of the weirdest things I’ve seen on a Men Tell All.
Mike is next up to the hot seat. Chris says that Mike is “throwing smoke” today and Mike just laughs. They show all of the great clips of Mike and Hannah throughout the season, followed by the heartbreaking scene of Hannah dumping him. He deserves so much better and I hope he’s potentially the next Bachelor as well.
Last but not least, Hannah makes her way to stage. Hannah admits that when she started out as the bachelorette, she was worried that no one would actually be there for her. So, one of the reasons she clung to Luke was because she knew that he was actually there for her. He was a safety blanket for her. She also made a note that if she had listened to the other guys and sent Luke home based on their feedback, she would have never had the closure she needed on the decision herself. Hannah thanked Mike for supporting her the whole time. She said that she would be his fan forever, and that she thinks he deserves the best. Garrett speaks out about being pretty upset with her for a while, and then apologizes for feeling those things. He said it was clear that she was being misled by Luke.
Before the show ends, they show a blooper reel, they show a preview of Bachelor in Paradise, and then they say their final goodbye to Hannah and the guys. Hannah wants to leave everything off with a message. Hannah apologizes to Bachelor-nation for Luke being on screen for as long as he was. Everyone is tired for as long as he was on screen, and I’m curious to see if they’ll throw him into Bachelor in Paradise.
Don’t forget, the finale is next week and it’s a two-part episode showing on Monday AND Tuesday.
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