Making It *technically* might not be a Christmas show, but I can’t think of a series more perfect for the holiday season.
The series, which premiered late last summer (although it feels like five years ago), found series creators/hosts Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman trading puns, hugs, and tears with a bevy of talented “makers.” The competition-style series was shockingly pleasant — no in-fighting, backstabbing, double talk or side-eyes. Making It (the first season) was as wholesome as apple pie, and was (at least for me) a welcome addition to an often series, and intense television landscape.
The show’s whimsical attitude, and its breezy, yet creative subject matter is perfect for NBC’s “Oh What Fun Holiday Lineup” which airs throughout December. It’s the perfect show to toss on post-decorating, post-baking, or just post-long arduous work day. Making It is the television version of a warm blanket — you can wrap yourself in it, unwind, and enjoy it in its simplicity.
No one should be shocked that Poehler and Offerman are the reason this show works. Their undeniable chemistry is a pleasure to behold. The duo constantly keeps you laughing, particularly when they square off for “craft puns” or Poehler just walks off from Offerman’s regimented way of crafting. Of the two, Offerman is the most fun to watch as his deadpan one-liners are just perfectly placed, yet come off as completely off the cuff.
The competitors on the series, and their willingness to not only help but bolster their opponents works and dreams is really sweet. No one is sabotaging. No one is storming off crying because someone was mean. In the premiere episode we see nearly everyone coming to help a contestant who was desperately behind in finishing her final craft. It’s moments like these that make you think that are perfect for holiday viewing, and reminds you that not everyone in the world of competitive television (and maybe the world itself?) sucks.
Making It Season 2 is the perfect holiday treat to throw on in December much like the holiday versions of Nailed It! and the Great British Bake Off. So for the next week or so while you trim the tree, close your eyes while your Elf on a Shelf finds a new spot in the house, or are just plum tuckered out from work, throw on Making It Season 2 and maybe your evenings be merry and bright.
Making It Season 2 airs December 3-5, then December 9-11 (with two episodes December 11) on NBC.