Django Unchained — Alex Criscione
Writer-director Quentin Tarantino brings on a hilarious bloody mess of a film with Django Unchained. It is stacked with some of the greatest actors of our time–Leonardo DeCaprio, Jamie Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, and Christoph Waltz–all delivering next-level performances. The enjoyment I have watching this film is often untouched compared to other action films within the last 10 years. Jamie Foxx as Django takes the character to new lengths with intense bloody action, and portraying the kind of truly angry character that Tarantino often features in his films. Also, with one of the most iconic and fun ending shootouts that leads to multiple explosions, how can one forget it? Especially with the added witty dialogue.
This film was often questioned for the way Tarantino decided to show and explore the issues of slavery and depict its brutality. Films today stray far away from what Tarantino does, in part because of a fear of that backlash. And though it can be difficult to do it correctly, I think Tarantino nails.
Age has done this film wonders. I feel as if the more time goes on the better it gets. Maybe it is the style that Tarantino chooses to film and direct it, but it consistently holds up. Using modern hip-hop/rap and a mash of nearly every different cultural issue in the 1800’s with the added effect of immense violence, this movie will continue to stand the test of time. Recently, films have strayed away from the intense violence and gore and started using more digital effects. If you’re looking for a bloody mess with a wild story, Tarantino is the one.