Going to the Chapel #4 is published by Action Lab Entertainment under their Danger Zone imprint. It is written and created by David Pepose with art by Gavin Guidry and colors by Elizabeth Kramer.
While we have had months to experience Emily’s story, she has only had the equivalent of probably a couple hours. Hours to deal with her ex-boyfriend storming in to rob her wedding, to face her own fears about commitment, and to decide the way she wants to spend the rest of her life. All with the police right outside the doors, now ready to burst through at any moment. Emily is out of time. Perhaps that part of David Pepose’s message (or just what I’m drawing from it), life comes at you fast. You don’t always have all the time in the world, sometimes it comes down to a moment and a choice to decide how you want to live your life and who you want to be.
For a while, it seemed like Emily had decided that Jesse wasn’t it. She wasn’t cut out for simple and plain. I’ll be honest, I was real sad about it. I mean, as cool as Tom is (which is pretty cool), he’s also definitely an ass. Fun to read but not the kind of guy I’d want dating my friends. However, he was the epitome of freedom in Emily’s eyes, and she could so easily escape all of this madness just by following him. Who wouldn’t consider a chance at escaping the pressure of expectations? Still, things change when Emily has a real heart-to-heart with Jesse. Jesse’s dreams and ideas for their future isn’t one full of pressure and expectations, it’s just full of his love for her. It’s one of the absolute cutest moments I’ve ever read in any form of literature. Of course, the moment is interrupted by the ever surprising Grandma Harriet (seriously, please write a prequel story about her life) with some information and “wise” words that give Emily her best idea yet

Which I won’t tell you because you should read it yourself.
I will tell you, that we end our (mostly) perfect heist with a perfect ending: the criminals get their prize, and the girl saves herself and her prince charming so that she can live happily ever after in the life that she chose.
David Pepose has had my attention since the first Spencer & Locke story and I can’t wait to see what else he has in store. Gavin Guidry and Elizabeth Kramer provided amazing art all the way through. I loved their style and felt like it was a perfect match for telling this tale. I’m sad to see the story go, but I’m happy I got to be here for it.
Make sure to pick up the final issue of the series – Going to the Chapel #4 – from your local comic shop!
Happy reading!