AEW Dynamite 2/10 felt like an old episode of ECW Hardcore TV that would air Saturday nights at 2 a.m. on the MSG Network here in the Northeast. While Dynamite has much better production value (although they have to fix those crowd levels) and features (thankfully) less sex and questionable content, the aura and atmosphere feels so similar (and would even moreso if there were a live crowd).
Every episode hums along at a brisk pace. The action in-ring is physical, it’s fast-paced and there’s (usually) a good story being told within. There’s narrative breadcrumbs left for the vigilant viewer to follow and remember for payoffs on future angles (and yes, those angles do pay off more times than not). And most importantly, it has this high re-watchability factor. You feel compelled to start watching it again after the episode ends, because frankly who needs to watch The Meg or Kong: Skull Island again after Dynamite?
It’s a great feeling to have that in wrestling again. An excitement not only to watch the episode live, but to go back and rewatch the moments you missed during the madness of a match or the subtle moments that might have not registered in your brain space.
Oh and “The Forbidden Door” opened a bit wider this week as well … and that’s a major W for all wrestling fans.
Let’s break down everything from AEW Dynamite 2/10.

The Segments:
Sting Interview: AEW really needs to give this Sting/Darby/Team Taz angle a break. It’s been brewing for going on three months and nothing has happened. This match is built. Give us some time away until the go-home for Revolution and then give us a bit of a refresher.
Sammy and MJF: This was a great way to really way to fuel Sammy’s departure from The Inner Circle. This felt like Sammy and MJF truly hate each other and want to tear into each other (or at least Sammy does). The phone being placed to “record” Sammy was a nice touch as was Sammy asking the camera man to stay. The punch to MJF’s gut felt legit like there was hate and anger behind it and not a “wrestling punch.”
Sammy Leaves The Inner Circle: Finally. The Inner Circle’s implosion is long overdue and it’s time for Sammy to go out on his own to become a singles star. MJF’s smirk was perfect and will be played back much like AEW used Eddie Kingston’s “wink” from the summer in his feud with PAC.
The Wedding: Let’s just get a match out of this.
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Hangman and Big Money Matt: “The Big Money” Matt Hardy character has easily been Matt Hardy’s best persona in AEW. I love this carny manager trying to take advantage of red hot stars in AEW. The bar scene with he and Hangman was perfect, especially when you go back and watch to see Hangman toss Matt’s contract and pull out another piece of paper. The moment not only felt like a nod to Brodie Lee, but also the beginning of Hangman’s star run. Part of that is most definitely working with The Dark Order again.
Young Bucks & Good Brothers: This was a rehash of BTE from Monday (and the past few weeks) where The Bucks are annoyed at Gallows & Anderson. The big takeaway is we see Santana & Ortiz vs. The Bucks for the Titles next week.
Kenny on the Golf Course: The big stuff here happened in the background where Don Callis helped Kenny cheat at golf … or at least cheated to inflate Kenny’s ego. This could’ve been cut to give another match time (e.g. Thunder/Leyla).
Jungle Boy Promo: Sets up more Jurassic Express/FTR matches and I’m here for it.

TNT Title Match: Darby Allin (C) beat “The Bad Boy” Joey Janela
If you were expecting some sort of big plunder match between these two, you’d be sorely let down. What you got instead was something exponentially better. These two didn’t need tacks, chairs, tables or any of the plunder we’ve seen in their previous encounters. The main reason for that, in my opinion, is this was built around what Allin said on the “Road to” video on Monday. He wondered if Janela “had it” still, referencing Janela’s losing ways and how he has noticeably slipped from main events on pay-per-views to “sitting in the crowd” during most shows.
These two tore into each with the reckless abandon you’d expect, but there something more technical and wrestling-based to this wild match. These two knocked each other around something fierce and it was easily one Janela’s best matches in AEW in forever and it was a great change of pace for Darby as he was not fighting from underneath the whole match and was not involved with Team Taz. Now, please figure out a direction for Joey Janela.

“The American Nightmare” Cody Rhodes & “Big Shotty” Lee Johnson w/Arn Anderson beat “Pretty” Peter Avalon & Cezar Bononi.Â
This was all built around Lee Johnson scoring his first win after losing 29 straight matches — and it was the right story to tell. Avalon and Bononi are the right team to lose here as they’re still new, very much on the undercard and a loss does nothing to hurt them. Cody looked good as usual here and thankfully we didn’t have to think about or hear from Shaq this week about that abysmal angle. Apparently he “injured” himself, not sure how true this is, but most likely this’ll play into the Shaq/Jade angle. We also got to see Brock Anderson, Arn’s son (who is a spitting, age-ambiguous image of father), which means he’ll be in AEW soon enough in some capacity.
As for “Big Shotty” Lee — he looked excellent in the match and it seemed like everyone was generally excited he won the match. The talent on Johnson is undeniable and he will undoubtedly be a guy AEW is going to look to in the future. One thing to keep an eye on — Johnson did not mention QT Marshall in his “thank you” promo and it was visibly annoying to QT. Don’t be shocked if this leads to something.

The Inner Circle: MJF & Chris Jericho beat The Acclaimed: Max Caster & Anthony Bowens
The Acclaimed are great. Their “diss track” videos about MJF and Jericho have been fantastic and each week it seems their chemistry in and out of the ring just keeps improving. Jericho and “an injured” MJF gave a lot to The Acclaimed who looked strong even despite the loss. It’s actually a bit surprising they lost given the injury as I thought this would lead to Sammy being expelled from The Inner Circle. Jericho and MJF as a team, while still young and obviously angle-fueled, is really gelling nicely. This was a very good match overshadowed by a massive main event — go out of your way and watch it.

“The Bastard” PAC beat “The Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth
Squash City. Jury is still out on Nemeth. He’s getting a lot of time on Dynamite as a glorified enhancement guy, but getting a segment on “Road To” and wins on Dark make me wonder if he’s full-time with AEW or is on a limited appearance deal a la Matt Cardona. PAC is the best and looked incredible here. Originally thought he’d be next in line for Omega, but tonight’s main event may have changed that.

Round 1 Women’s Eliminator Tournament Match: Thunder Rosa advances over “Legit” Leyla Hirsch
Such a good match. Each week she’s on Dynamite, Thunder Rosa seems to just find another way to have an awesome match with a different opponent. She’s not full-time with AEW (apparently still with the NWA), but she’s such a major part of the division and has helped it so much since her arrival. It’s no coincidence this was Leyla Hirsch’s best match in AEW. She was crisper than ever and her submission work in the match was excellent. Team Taz would be a perfect spot for her. Thunder wins the Fire Thunder Drive and moves on to face the winner of another must-watch match in this tournament Serena Deeb vs. Riho (which is a tough pick).

Falls Count Anywhere: Kenny Omega & KENTA defeated Jon Moxley & “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer w/Jake “the Snake” Roberts
This match was straight up bananas.
First, let’s talk about how two months ago or so we were all wondering what was going on with Lance Archer. Promos, wins on Dark, everybody dies. All well and good, but nothing happening. Now, he’s in the main event and I think we might need him and Omega for the title. That’s what I dig about AEW – they can have a guy like Archer on the backburner and in the matter of weeks have him ready for main events. Archer did not disappoint in this match as he lived up to his “monster” moniker.
Second, it’s still mind-boggling we have Kenta on AEW television. He’s a contracted New Japan employee and here is in the main event. This was easily one of the best KENTA matches in the U.S. since his Ring of Honor days and the running double foot stomp off the stage onto Moxley, who was prone on a table, was a chef’s kiss.

Third, AEW knows how to do brawls. While this might not have been as “God Level” as Best Friends vs. Santana & Ortiz from last year, it was still really good. These four made good use of everything and anything from potatoes (GET IT) to Peter Avalon to Peter Avalon’s “dais” to the stage to the kitchen. It felt like a fight and not a punch-kick lead your opponent by the neck around the building to the next spot kind of fight.
Fourth and finally, this match was awesome. It was fun, it was fast-paced, it fueled several stories and it makes you want to tune in to next week for the aftermath. Hell, they even got Jake involved!
And just for fun – check out the “post game” where Omega and friends “talk” about the Bullet Club. Oh, and if you’re interested this main event will be streaming on New Japan World. I know some have said “the door is just cracked open” but hey, things are progressing. We can’t expect Okada to show up next week, but there’s still things happening in a positive way.
AEW Dynamite 2/10 is now streaming on the TNT app.