Let’s just talk about the main event of AEW’s St. Patrick’s Day Slam, shall we? We got us some color television!
Thunder Rosa defeated Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. in a violent wrestling match which featured chairs, blood, tables, thumbtacks, and you guessed it, more blood. I haven’t seen an American wrestling match featuring women in this type of match in … well, ever. There’s plenty of Japanese women’s wrestling with this level of violence, but I can’t recall one I have watched broadcast on national television.
What began as an intense wrestling match soon turned to the usage of outside objects, brawling all over Daly’s Place, ultimately landing back in the ring where blood would be shed. Chair shots, a ladder, and tables were just the opening salvo.
Then came the thumbtacks. The dentist would fall first, being powerbombed right on top. If that wasn’t enough for Dr. Baker. She clamped the Lockjaw onto Rosa, who then turned to reverse it, which slowly rolled Dr. Baker onto the thumbtacks. This spot had to be more excruciating, being slowly taken across the spikes, rather than being immediately planted on top.
Rosa hit the Thunder Driver off the ring apron, through a table to gain victory in this Falls Count Anywhere bout.
But let’s talk straight facts. Women putting on this type of match sets a new bar. Kudos to all who put this together, and major praise to Baker and Rosa. This proves women in can be at or above the level of men in pro wrestling. Men blade and bleed, women can do it too. Hell, Becky Lynch did it, although that one time wasn’t intentional.
The Women’s Division in AEW had a slow start, and between injuries and the pandemic, took a lot of talent was/has been away from the ring. However, as routines began to come back, so did Women’s wresting, and in-force. The series of matches between Rosa and Baker gained in momentum with each one. You could feel tension continue to mount despite one gaining a win over the other. They did not collide in the tournament as many expected, which left us wondering when they would get the final bout to end the war.
Baker and Rosa did just that at St. Patrick’s Day Slam. It was wrestling, it was visual intensity and emotion, it was a furious display of the best work I have seen from Women’s wrestling. Glass ceiling? Shattered yet again.
Did I expect a match like this? Nope. Which made it all the more enjoyable. No predictably. This would have been featured on ECW had they still existed.
Thunder Rosa and Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. put on a Match of the Year Candidate, if anything thus far, possibly THE Match of the Year.
Moving on to the rest of St. Patrick’s Day Slam. Now with hype like that the rest feels a bit downturned. Not a bad thing, and it may have been the intent of producing this show, to keep a lower key in order for the main event to stand out.
The show kicked off with Cody Rhodes defeating Penta El Zero M in the opening bout. Many I’m sure questioned the decision to have Penta take the ‘L’ to Cody but a good feud has to start somewhere. Cody is likely heading to take time off in the future. With Penta played up as the luchador who breaks arms, it was assumed he would do something serious to warrant some time off-screen. However, this was not the case, and we got a pretty good match out of it. Cody winning with a roll up once again keep viewers on their toes, again keeping to finishing moves not always necessary to finish a match.
While many will likely continue the Cody/Triple H comparison, I will reserve judgement for the next few matches. While there is always skepticism from majority of the internet, I wait with baited breath.
Also, not to be left out, QT Marshall noticeably was “late” in getting to the ring to help his Nightmare Family out. This is another tale unfolding.

Jade Cargill defeated Dani Jordyn
Jordyn is a known indie star and is beginning to see more time on AEW programming. Unfortunately, she is served up to the dominant force that is Cargill.
While I’m sure there are still those on the fence whether Cargill is going to be somebody in AEW, I’d like to offer the following. While primarily in fitness, she has trained, she has been “putting in the work” to be a TV personality in professional wrestling. She’s got the arrogant smirk, the physique to intimidate, and making short work of Jordyn continues to feed this persona.
Had Jordyn been scripted to put up more of an offense, it would have only delayed the inevitable. Cargill, who will likely clash with Red Velvet again, is being portrayed as unstoppable. This may lead to either a title run or a clash with a top Women’s star.
Once again, time will tell.

We are introduced to the pinnacle of wrestling talent in AEW… The Pinnacle!
I’m not quite sold on the name, yet. Like any good stable, a name takes time to grow. I also believed we were to have something similar to “The Horsemen” but in hindsight, I’m glad they didn’t as there would be a continued expectation which comes with the name.
MJF led the segment, running down how each man in the stable is the best at their craft, but everything points to one man, and that is, MJF being the top guy to become the greatest ever.
There were moments which appeared a bit unlike what we have come see from MJF. Usually shows himself as a cool, calm, collected connoisseur of verbally crafting a promo of art, but there were elements of shouting, almost screaming at the camera, which evoked some of Ric Flair’s more intense promos.
Largely directed at Chris Jericho, but meant for everyone, MJF has said he has now taken the title of being the new G.O.A.T. of the industry. For starters, he’s taking over the locker room once belonging to The Inner Circle.
Overall I liked the promo, and even more, I like the stable presented before us. I hope “The Pinnacle” will lead to something a bit more concrete in the future. I can’t say how or why, I feel this stable may transform into something different by 2022.

Big Money Matt Hardy’s Empire defeated Jurassic Express & Bear Country
This one got a bit messy at the start with the face team not being able to get along, later shown when Bear Country impulsively tossed Marko Stunt clear over the ropes onto the opposing team, taking a scary looking fall in the process. Reminded me of when Taka Michinoku was eliminated from a Royal Rumble match.
The match showed how “Big Money” got his two tag teams working together, while Jurassic Express and Bear Country seemed to flounder with constant arguments. Hardy, of course gets his version of a “hot tag” to gain the pinfall victory. It’s comical, but fits with the character he’s crafted.
The Express, even in defeat still look good, and I imagine this is where Bear Country will being their rotation of tag team feuds.

Tony Schiavone interviews Darby Allin and Sting
Sting and Allin got to speak for a few minutes before being interrupted. Allin declaring he will defend the TNT Championship each week, and wants to start by honoring Brodie Lee, whom is deservingly dubbed as the Greatest TNT Champion of All-Time. In doing so, he wants to defend against members of the Dark Order, and first up, we later see, is none other than “The Meat Man” John Silver.
Before I get to the interruption, while I like this prospect, it also worries me. It worries me to see each member of Dark Order eat more losses to the same person. Sure, it’s a championship match on a weekly basis, but what could it say if Allin defeats them all? None are worthy to be a champion?
I’ll wonder how this plays out.
Murderhawk Lance Archer is out with Jake “The Snake” Roberts and it seems the motivation is “time.” Time perhaps Archer wants to take away from Sting? Perhaps Archer believes it’s his time to become an Icon as well?
More interruptions as Team Taz arrives, however before Taz could spout off, Brian Cage had some words of his own… RESPECT. Cage offers Sting his respect, even going as far as to put down Ricky Starks for saying Sting’s days as an icon are over. Taz and crew are livid.
A lot to unpack here. Darby Allin vs. Dark Order, Lance Archer to take on Sting, and now Team Taz in disarray.
Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston defeated The Good Brothers
This one broke down real fast, brawling all over, even before the bell could ring. Finally, when it did, saw Mox laid out cold at ringside, leaving Kingston to bear the brunt of the in-ring action. The action focused on Kingston’s strength and resilience, as no matter what Gallows and Anderson could do, it would not be enough.
Eventually Mox would get the tag back in, an intense brawl broke out once more, however with Gallows and Anderson losing focus, Mox would roll up Anderson for a surprise finish to the match.
Again, I love the surprise finish, and even more, Mox and Kingston winning. I would have preferred Kingston getting the pinfall, but a win is a win. Cue Kenny Omega and Don Callis, ambushing and putting the boots to Mox and Kingston, but is stopped by The Young Bucks. Anderson and Gallows try to brush it off by putting up the “Too Sweet” sign, implying the Bucks should just go with it, but no. Not today. Not ever again. Bucks scold Omega for his choices, as a result, the Bucks bail on their now-former friends.
I wonder what next week’s Being the Elite will be like?

Rey Fenix defeated Angelico
This was good match. A really good match. Nothing major on the line, but a solid sit-back-and-enjoy the show contest, which saw Angelico do most of everything with only his legs. His work is so similar to guys like Pete Dunne and Zack Sabre Jr. A healthy mix of mat-based and aerial moves throughout, with Fenix picking up the win for momentum as a tag title opportunity with PAC is in the near future.
Christian, in a backstage segment talks about how he is the definition of a “workhorse” in professional wrestling, and his intent is to catch up with Kenny Omega soon. It was a standard promo, although at times it seemed he was unsure of his use of “workhorse” and how it fits his new gimmick of Out. Work. Everyone.
I really thought he would have slipped and said “Warhorse” which would have sent the internet into a frenzy. Warhorse vs. Christian? Could it happen?
As I said earlier, the main event crushed it. Knocked it out of the park. This was a fantastic way to end the night.
How will next week’s AEW show match up? Time, will tell.
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