Written By: Kimmy Sokol
Adam Cole defeats Frankie Kazarian:
AEW Dynamite 9/15 at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ kicks off with the debut of Adam Cole … BAY BAY. This match was a lot of fun. Kaz and Cole have very similar styles. It was a nice back and forth match from them. I am excited to see what else Adam brings to AEW over the next couple of weeks. CM Punk added to commentary dissecting the match and poking fun at Tony and Adams mini-feud. After the match, Cole challenges Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus, and Christian Cage to a six-man tag match on Rampage against him and the Young Bucks.
The Lucha Brothers cut a promo against Butcher and Blade saying that this Friday on Rampage they will defeat them in the tag title matches.
Fuego Del Sol challenges Miro for a TNT title match this Friday on Rampage.
MJF cuts a promo against Brain Pillman JR. He attacks New Jersey and also attacks Brain Pillman. He talks about how he is going to beat his baby boy badly when Pillman comes out and attacks MJF from behind.
This was fun MJF is such a natural heel at a young age is it so much fun to see. After this Pillman Jr. did a sit-down interview with MJF. Pillman was disappointed last week in Cincinnati over what MJF said and felt like he let his dad down. He is ready for the Grand Slam to prove himself and gain more momentum. I like how they are building Pillman as a major homegrown star for AEW. He is doing great things and I can see him being a future TNT champion down the line.
Christian, Jungle Boy, and Luchasaurus accept Adam Cole’s challenge: Jungle Boy says he has better friends than Adam and Christian delivers the line of the night saying: “Adam Cole since you’re already used to losing Wednesday Night Wars, let’s add Fridays to that.”
FTR defeats Matt Sydal and Dante Martin:
This match was added at the last minute, but it was very enjoyable. With the rumors earlier this month about FTR possibly retiring, it is nice to see them getting back into the tag team fold.
CM Punk addresses the Suzuki incident: The fact they are making this a program on TV is hysterical. The fans do control AEW. Like Punk said: “The man just wants to hear his entrance music.
Lance Archer and Suzuki call out Kingston and Moxley: Archer says Moxley wanted Suzuki in the states and this is the result. They are ready for this tag team match because he and Suzuki have been tag partners for a long time.
Malakai Black promo: He says that the members of the house of black have an enemy in Cody Rhodes. He calls out Rosario Dawson for wearing a Nightmare Factory jacket. She jumps Black when Cody Rhodes appears and attacks Malakai Black. The two fought into the stands in anticipation of their match next week. This feud has been incredible. It should be interesting who wins next week and if Cody is going to retire after this match.
Anna Jay and Allie hype up their match on Rampage Friday. Anna Jay is trying to conduct her interview when the Dark Order continues to fight. Anna says if they keep fighting she does not want them ringside for her match Friday and she and Tay Conti walk away.
Dan Lambert continues to trash AEW and the fans in New Jersey. Chris Jericho and Jake Hager come out to defend AEW. Lambert also came out with a crew of people from UFC alongside Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page. Jericho talks about how he’s been fighting UFC fighters his whole career and he challenges Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page to a tag team match. Lambert says they won’t do it in New Jersey they will do it in New York. This angle does nothing for me and I do not understand the end goal, however, Lambert is a natural heel.
The Gunn Club describes why they turned heel. They say how they have been mistreated in AEW since being undefeated in tag and trios competition. They wanted to prove how they should be taken more seriously within AEW.
Jade Cargill defeats Leyla Hirsch:
You can tell how much Jade has improved since she debuted last year. She is more confident in the ring and she is a natural star in the making. Leyla also looked great, it is nice to see the women’s division continuing to improve and thrive.
Andrade talks about why he turned his back on Chavo. He says that Chavo is not in charge of his matches and he can defeat Pac on his own.
Taz, Hook, and Hobbs attacked CM Punk on commentary. Hook and Punk had a nice stare down here which can finally lead to Hook’s debut. This feud is fun. I can not wait to see the eventual match.
Darby Allin cut a promo discussing why he is better than Shawn Spears. He then talks about how he should not talk down to Sting.
Darby Allin defeats Shawn Spears: These two can never put on a bad match. This was a great back and forth as Allen continues to build himself as a top star in AEW. FTR confronts Sting and Allen after the match and brawl. Blanchard and Sting also have a stare-down for some WCW nostalgia. FTR and Spears wiped the face paint off Sting and Allin. I wonder if this would be symbolic for the tag match it looks like this is leading to.
Tony Schiavone interviews Bryan Danielson: Bryan wants to give the people what they want and face Kenny Omega. Don Callis and Omega interrupt and say no they want no part in it. After bickering back and forth Kenny finally accepts. These two have improved so much since their ROH match in 2008. It will be so nice to see this match and see the improvements in both men.
Miro accepts Feugo’s challenge for Friday and swears to end Fuego for good.
Matt Hardy challenges Orange Cassidy to a hair vs hair match. This match should be interesting, but this segment did not need to happen as they were rushing through the main event. They could have just posted this online.
Jon Moxley Eddie Kingston defeated 2.0: Although this match was rushed because they did not have enough time, this match ruled. 2.0 just fits in so well with AEW. Moxley Kingston is such a fun tag team, how can you not love them. They made 2.0 look really good throughout the match.
To end Dynamite they rectified the Suzuki incident and played his full theme song. Moxley and Kingston brawled with Suzuki. Dynamite went off the air with Moxley standing tall.
AEW Dynamite 9/15 was really fun! They really built into how big Grand Slam is going to be next week. AEW needs to just get the timing right so they can stop rushing main events.