HomeTelevisionRampage Review 10/8 Review: An Old School Clash, A Street Fight &...

Rampage Review 10/8 Review: An Old School Clash, A Street Fight & A Fun Hour of Wrestling

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Written by Mike Mueller


In typical AEW form, we waste no time in getting right down to action the Rampage 10/8 episode kicked off with Daniel Garcia vs. CM Punk. In a quick backstage interview segment with Mark Henry, Daniel Garcia says he did exactly what CM Punk would have done when he was a 23 year old in the business. Punk counters with the fact that “23 year-old Punk wouldn’t be hanging out with the Nasty Boys’ little brothers.” Happy to see Punk hasn’t lost his snarky charm that we’ve all grown to love.

This was a very old school match right from the beginning. Garcia and Punk move from a collar and elbow tie up right into a test of strength. It’s like we’re watching Saturday Night’s Main Event! This told a classic story of the older, experienced babyface taking on a hungry, desperate young heel. Punk got the better of all the early lock-ups, outwrestling and outmaneuvering Garcia at every turn. If he wanted to have any chance in this match, Garcia was going to have to change tactics and find a way to get the advantage.

Fortunately for Garcia, there is strength in numbers. Punk may have ended up regretting his little “Nasty Boys” comment, as 2.0 provided the distraction needed to give Garcia the edge. They attacked Punk’s right leg, slamming it into the ring post three times before Daniel Garcia locked in a figure four around the post for some added damage to the knee.

Garcia stayed focused on the right leg throughout the course of the match, and Punk sold it beautifully. With Punk hobbled, the match truly seemed to be on equal footing. The two opponents continue to go back and forth, with neither man holding the advantage for more than a couple moves. Eventually, Punk gains the upper hand through a series of high risk moves. A cross-body to the outside, and a springboard lariat that led into a brutal piledriver. After that, Punk locked on the Anaconda Vice, but not before moving Garcia away from the ropes, and out of the reach of 2.0 so they could do nothing but look on as Daniel Garcia tapped out and Punk got another victory on Rampage.

This was about as old-school as you are going to get. All throughout the match, we saw nods to Dusty Rhodes, Tenzan, Jerry Lawler, and Bret all on display. As a fan of the classics, it was great to see that the “new generation” still knows their history and roots, and is capable of putting on a captivating match without having to rely on a million high spots. It is obvious to most that Punk is having an absolute blast working with this new crop of talent, being able to share his wisdom and help elevate a lot of stars in the process. Daniel Garcia will be much better off for having this match against CM Punk.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

The next person to receive the Punk treatment appears to be Matt Sydal. After the match, Tony Schiavone is backstage and tries to interview Dante Martin about his upcoming match with Malachi Black, but it breaks down as Matt Sydal accuses Leo Rush, who is trying to help Dante, of being nothing more than a “junk bond salesman.” Leo says Matt is the only in the room who actually needs to prove his worth. Matt will have a match with CM punk next week to prove that he can make moments happen.


Up next we have the first of two, yes TWO, title matches happening this week on Rampage 10/8. It’s been said before, but bears repeating: With high profile matches and titles on the line almost every week, Rampage has cemented itself to be just as “must watch” as Dynamite, which is a difficult thing to do with a one hour “B” show. Props to everybody involved with creative in never letting off the gas and continuing to give the audience great matches week after week. This match was no different.

The Acclaimed make their way to the ring first. We are treated to another classic Max Castor’s rap, taking the time to insult Philadelphia athletes like Ben Simmons and Rocky Balbpa, but the best part of the entrance was definitely giving a nod to the fact that Arn Anderson is apparently one trigger-happy old man. The Acclaimed get a lot of flack for going “over the line” with some of these raps, but that is exactly what the character calls for. They should step on toes. They’re heels!

The Lucha bros come out to a huge pop. The Philly crowd is white hot for this match, and they keep it going bell-to-bell. After a quick start for Lucha Bros, Anthony Bowens turned the tide after hitting Fenix with his patented boom box while the referee was distracted. The Acclaimed take advantage of the two-on-one situation for as long as they can, but eventually Penta is able to make the hot tag to Fenix who delivers a series of cutters to turn the tide.

The Acclaimed try to make a comeback, but the experience of the Lucha Bros is too much and a modified package piledriver to Anthony Bowens spells the end as the Lucha Bros get the win and hold on to their title.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling


We see a quick promo for the upcoming tournament to crown the first ever TBS champion. This will be a “secondary” title for the women’s division, much the way the TNT is a “secondary” title for the men’s division. A lot of the top females have already announced they will be in the tournament, including: Ruby Soho, Thunder Rosa, and Jade Cargill.

Speaking of, Jade is in the next match, taking on Skye Blue. While the crowd loves Skye, it is apparent very early on that this is going to be a one-sided affair. Jade Cargill is just too powerful and squashes the much undersized Skye. After the match, Jade continues to beat down Skye Blue until Thunder Rosa comes to her aid and Jade backs off quickly. A tournament match between these two is foreshadowed and hopefully we’ll get it soon. It’s way too early to tell for sure, but it’s safe to say Jade is an early favorite to be crowned the first TBS Champion.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling


In the main event, “Absolute” Ricky Starks takes on “The Machine” Brian Cage in a Phili Street Fight for the FTW world championship. If you’re wondering what differentiates a Phili street fight from a Chicago street fight, it’s the location. That’s quite literally it.

Ricky Starks comes to the ring by himself, but anybody who has watched wrestling for more than a week knows that eventually, we’re going to see Hobbs and, hopefully, Hook *swoon*. Cage comes out next and no time is wasted. There’s no “feeling out” process with these two. They have bad blood and can’t wait to finish this once and for all.

The match gets violent right away, as garbage cans, pool cues, lead pipes, and steel chairs are brought immediately into the ring. Ricky hits Cage in the ribs with a pool cue and keeps the offense going for several minutes. Things seem to be well in hand until a very impressive pump handle slam into a garbage can put Cage back in control.

That was enough to make Tazz panic and call out Hook from the back. Thank you Tazz. Friday night isn’t complete until we get an appearance from Hook.

Hook comes down to interfere but catches a brutal lariat by Brian Cage. Fellow Team Taz member Hobbs is quick to follow, but his attempts are also thwarted. Is this the night that Brian Cage will finally get his revenge? NO! Ricky Starks nails Cage with the FTW title and a spear, much the way Starks won their first encounter, but this time it’s not enough to put Cage away, as he makes a dramatic kick out at two.

However, more interference from Hobbs and Hook proves too much to overcome. After a low blow, Ricky hits the Rochambeau and gets the pin fall victory, much to the dismay of the Philadelphia audience. We go off the air with Team Taz celebrating at the top of the ramp.

Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

Overall thoughts on AEW Rampage 10/8:

Rampage continues to deliver fast-moving action, and relies on commentary and quick interview segments to recap and move storylines forward. They could easily take this hour and focus solely on the main storylines happening on Dynamite, and maybe throw in one marquee match, as many other one-hour “B” shows have done in the past. Instead, we get to see a mat wrestling classic involving a new talent and the most over guy in the business, two title matches, and we start to build some tension and tell a story heading into an historic women’s tournament.

After seven weeks, AEW clearly has their formula down, and the reception and the ratings don’t lie; it is another bona fide success for AEW. If they are smart (which we know they are), we will see plenty of tournament matches happening on Rampage, which will give us just one more reason to tune into an already exhilarating show.

AEW Rampage 10/8 is now on demand and the TNT app and website.

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