Let’s talk about that segment. You know the one, where CM Punk and MJF go to town cutting promos on each other.
Sure, there were some digs at WWE, but before anyone goes to Twitter to impulsively react, think about why. CM Punk spent a long time in WWE, and given his tumulus history, it makes sense MJF would use it for fodder against him. CM Punk would even flip it around and use it against MJF in a verbal masterclass.
This was the point of the promos. Go after each other in the most heinous and outright merciless way possible. If it meant some glancing shots towards WWE, so be it. The point was for MJF to try and belittle Punk in an effort to make him doubt himself. Punk fires back by using MJF’s egotistical youth against him. With lines like “You’re just a less famous Miz” and MJF invoking a reference to a certain former WWE star with “Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect” or MJF “being replaced by Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D” as a pillar of AEW, to going as far as telling MJF “the only way you’ll be number one is if Tony has a daughter who he can marry.” Punk and MJF delivered almost 20 minutes of sheer verbally brilliance. AEW rarely has long promos to start a show, but I’ll be perfectly honest, I would have watched an entire episode of Dynamite with Punk and MJF on microphones.
In case you haven’t watched, AEW was nice enough to post the segment online (see end of the post).
CM Punk defeated QT Marshall
I understand being in Chi-town, Punk’s home, he had to face a heel character, but QT Marshall didn’t come off as someone who would have had any chance of winning. QT did his job of being a baddie and struck with some impressive moves. While this match was mediocre at best, I couldn’t help but laugh as CM Punk body slammed Marshall about five or six times in a row. It was hysterical.
Multiple times during the night, the commentary team highlights how CM Punk (and later Bryan Danielson) are undefeated since arriving at AEW. They push this point a little too much during each of their matches, so I can’t help but wonder if there is going to be more to this story.
Gunn Club defeated Bear Country
This was barely a match. Country boys got some offense in, but inevitably the Gunns got victory with their finisher known as the Colt 45. I don’t like seeing a big burly duo like Boulder and Bronson get squashed. Not a fan. However, the post match got interesting. Sting came out and Austin Gunn darted to attack, when flying through the tunnel is Darby Allin completely destroying Austin with a massive tackle, sending him clear off the stage. That was entertaining. While a Gunn Club feud with Sting and Darby seems a bit lackluster compared to their recent feuds, I wait to pass judgement until this gets going more. The younger Gunns have potential, I imagine Billy Gunn and Sting know better than to take any unnecessary actions.
Dante Martin makes his shocking decision
Tony Schiavone is with Dante Martin, Lio Rush and across the table is Team Taz in full. Dante looks over the contract, while Taz tells Schiavone this is it. Decision time, as there will be no more offers. Lio counters saying this is a waste of time and they’re leaving… except Dante takes the pen and signs the deal! Lio Rush is in shock, as Calvin… I mean Hook, offers pretzels which Dante accepts, then steps on and over the table to join Team Taz.
Wondering if the return of Darius Martin is nearing, possible storyline with Lio trying to recruit Darius in order to sway Dante back. Very intriguing events.
Thunder Rosa defeated Jamie Hayter in a TBS Championship tournament match
What a great match. Hayter is great as a singles wrestler, of course there is no need to repeat how great Thunder Rosa is. We know she puts on a five-star match almost every time, and this was no different. Hayter and Rosa worked very well together, Hayter often gaining advantage until Rosa would mount enough defense to regain control. Believable moments where I had no idea who would come out victorious, until some over-the-top interference by Rebel and Dr. Baker made it obvious. An errant superkick, clocking Hayter allowing Rosa to score the victory.
Rosa will now face off with Jade Cargill in the next round. It seems obvious Cargill will face either Ruby Soho or Kris Statlander in the finals.
Hayter will likely break away from Dr. Baker and Rebel and likely have a feud with them in the coming weeks.
In another segment, Dr. Britt Baker hosted a “Friendsgiving” but feels unhappy with what happened with Hayter, and then blames Schiavone after he announces Riho will be facing Baker in a contender’s qualifier on Rampage.
Sad Dr. Baker makes fans sad too.
Bryan Danielson defeated Colt Cabana by Submission
Majin Danielson is one hell of a wrecking machine. Seeing them in a ring together again took me back to ROH 2009, but this match was anything but. Cabana had some good offense until Danielson stopped selling and started returning receipts for every strike. Once Danielson got his groove, Cabana’s time ran out fast, nearly passing out to the LaBell Lock.
It appeared he might have knocked out one of Cabana’s teeth.
After the match, he wonders why the fans have changed their opinion of him. Is it because of his drive? Or are the fans jealous?
He even brought back an old jab, calling fans “fickle.” This is cut short as Hangman Adam Page confronts Danielson and offers to put up the championship right now. Danielson declines, saying “of course you would challenge me after I’ve already wrestled!” He does tell Hangman another member of Dark Order will get their head kicked in next week.
This is clever storytelling. Last week Danielson declined because Hangman wasn’t dressed. This time avoiding due to already wrestled, all under the guise of Hangman creating excuses or trying to gain an unfair advantage. Very clever indeed. Evil Danielson is a dangerous Danielson, and once again, the long build to their inevitable clash will be awesome.
Malakai Black, Andrade, and FTR defeated Death Triangle and Cody Rhodes
Let’s get this out of the way, Cody Rhodes was nearly booed out of the building during his entrance. He tossed his weight belt into the crowd, only for the crowd to chant “toss it back” and the fan who caught it succumbed to peer pressure and did just that. One moment saw Cody taking a pounding from all members of the opposing team and the crowd cheered every moment. Cody was likely in the match the least, but each appearance was met with boos from the live crowd.
But overall, this was one hell of a main event. All eight put on what J.R. calls a barnburner – Fast, furious, and no sign of letting up until the very end.
Major highlight, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard staring each other down in the ring, then when Jose the Assistant tried to get in on the action, gets decked by both veterans. Just before Arn and Tully would go at it, Fenix took to the sky to splash on the opposing team.
End of the match saw Black spray the black mist in PAC’s face, allowing Andrade to spike PAC with the DDT for the win.
Everyone had time to shine, FTR looked awesome. I really dig these guys as a group. I wonder if Pinnacle will dissolve or perhaps FTR may find themselves with new alliances? Not gonna lie, a stable with Andrade, FTR, and Tully with Malakai Black as the “House of Black” might be worth considering.