AEW Dynamite 3/9 was a major show, especially coming right off the energy of probably the best pay-per-view I have seen. Tonight my 2022 predictions come true, we witness the end of a number of stables. We also see a lot of changes through promos, and boy were there some DAMN EPIC PROMOS. Tony Schiavone must be getting a raise tonight.
You know what tonight feels like… The RAW after WrestleMania.
Dynamite kicks off with an astoundingly amazing promo between Chris Jericho and Eddie Kingston.
Eddie Kingston is my favorite wrestler forever and I dare you to change my mind. Jericho first cut a promo about regretting his decision to deny the promised handshake.
Eddie delivers one of the greatest promos I have heard. Let’s be real, any promo Eddie delivers is the greatest. He cuts a promo about being led back to a mentally dark place prior to their match, doubting himself and believing all the things Jericho had said about him. How Eddie could never win the big matches, and Eddie agreed. He’s lost in every main event — until Revolution. He fought for the fans who believe in him, and for the fans who he met at the fan fest who shared Eddie’s admission of mental health problems saved these fans from suicide. With tears in his eyes, Eddie says he didn’t do it for Jericho, or himself. He did it for them.
I got chills, and yes, I teared up.
They shake hands. It was fantastic.
Until 2point0 and Danicel Garcia show up. They put the boots to Jericho and Kingston until Santana and Ortiz make the save, baseball bat in hand. As they set up Garcia for pain, Jericho quickly switches focus and bashes Santana in the face with the bat! Ortiz is stunned and is struck and ambushed by 2point0 and Garcia. Jake Hager rushes down, appears to be losing his mind, but ultimately sides with Jericho and attacks as well. With Eddie, Santana, and Ortiz all down, Jericho proclaims the formation of the new stable Jericho Appreciation Society. “I hope you’re entertained.”
Bryan Danielson & Jon Moxley with WILLIAM REGAL defeat The Workhorsemen (JD Drake and Anthony Henry)
Short match with Danielson and Moxley owning the challengers, who did get plenty of offense in, but the veterans didn’t seem to sell much of it.
It is still amazingly surreal to see Regal managing Mox and Danielson.
William Regal cuts a promo reminiscing with Tony Schiavone about the old days, admitting he might not be long for this world because of too many fights, physical and mental. Regal talks briefly about his career, and came to a point where WILLIAM REGAL CRIED. Yes. I have never seen such an emotional moment from Regal in my life. His appreciation for Professional Wrestling and his journey to where he is now was chilling to hear. He talked about how Schiavone got him through many difficult times and he is forever grateful.

He moves on to talk about Bryan Danielson becoming the perfect wrestler, a wrestler he always wanted to be but couldn’t because of his issues. He gave us some insight into how they met and trained together, trained other wrestlers and would bond over many years. He met Mox a decade ago and saw a man who would do anything to win. Together they make the perfect tag team.
I couldn’t agree more.
PAC defeated Wheeler Yuta
Nice match with some really solid offense from Yuta, but this one went short and sweet.
Backstage: FTR talks about having beef with ReDragon and the Young Bucks, and Dax Harwood focuses more on family and his love of pro wrestling, but going home to family is his priority. Tully Blanchard feels otherwise, and tells FTR they need to listen to him because as of now, they’re failing. Well, FTR decides to FIRE TULLY BLANCHARD.
This confirms the end of The Pinnacle.
Back in the ring, THE AHFO holds court and to make a long drawn out story short – Private Party, Andrade, Jose, Butcher, and the Blade all vote to kick Matt Hardy out. Not before Hardy does some self-reflection and realizes putting on “the suit” made him an a-hole, which is something Andrade knows quite a bit about.
Out for the save are Sting and Darby Allin, but not enough to save the day. Enter the beats of a familiar tune, and JEFF HARDY RUSHES THE RING! The babyfaces clear house, and as they celebrate this one victory, it can’t helped but notice Darby Allin strangely eyeballing Jeff Hardy. Either he is marking out, or he wants a match.
Or both.
The promos continue as Wardlow is with Tony Schiavone in the ring and he lets it be known he has bailed from the Pinnacle, and if MJF is smart, he’ll stay far away from him. Wardlow cuts a babyface promo of growing up in hard times and enjoying the money made from signing a contract with Max. But as of this moment, Wardlow is free and AEW is his world now.
This is interesting. Wardlow is on his own, but he is still “under contract” to Max, even though he will no longer be in his corner or help him out ever again. One has to wonder if this will be an unspoken story until it rears its ugly head to screw over the new Wardlow.
Jurassic Express defeated The Acclaimed, retaining the AEW World Tag Team Championships in one hell of an astounding match. Worthy of the arena crowd’s “this is awesome” chant. Everyone put on the A-game. So many close calls in the favor of Bowens and Caster, hitting the Mic Drop and some sort of elevated screwdriver which looked crushing.
For some reason the Gunn Club was in the crowd, distracting the audience at times, earning the Danhausen-influenced “Ass Boys” chant.
Promo from Jade Cargill promising to give a “kiss of death” to any challenger who steps up to her. Shrug.
Thunder Rosa defeated Leyla Hirsch
Look, it was pretty obvious Rosa would win this “eliminator” match. She lost at Revolution thanks to multiple instances of interference, so next week, in her hometown of San Antonio, Texas, Thunder Rosa challenges for the AEW Women’s Championship one more time in a STEEL CAGE.
Backstage: Dr. Britt Baker DMD talks conspiracy, but no matter what anyone tries to do, it will always go in her favor, and the Women’s Championship will remain around her waist.
Main Event of AEW Dynamite 3/9 Scorpio Sky defeats Sammy Guevara
By gawd Sammy’s been broken in half!!
With Scorpio Sky prone on a table, Sammy attempts a 650 splash off the top turnbuckle …. CRASH AND BURN!! Tay Conti comes out to check on Sammy with Doc Sampson during picture-in-picture and throughout the picture-in-picture they try to convince Sammy to take a count-out and leave the match. Just as the commercials wind down, Sammy waves it off and returns to the ring.
Tay Conti is out, which means Paige VanZant will interfere. Calling it.
This is a fantastic match before this insane moment. Sammy is just so good, and Scorpio is a franchise player who never fails to deliver.
Scorpio takes over the match with some picture-perfect back-breakers. Sammy fights back and while holding the ribs, still goes high risk with a leaping cutter! Sammy manages a GTH, but eats knees after Shooting Star! Dan Lambert up on the apron! Ethan Page attempts interference, Conti takes Ethan off, but here comes Paige VanZant, throwing Conti into the ring stairs!!! Scorpio from behind, The TKO!! Three count, AND NEW TNT Champion! Scorpio Sky has done it! VanZant signs the contract, and she is now All Elite!
What a Dynamite! So many burning questions!
Will Scorpio continue to hold two TNT Championships? Will MJF sabotage Wardlow next week when he challenges for the championship? Will Dark Order turn on “Hangman” Adam Page? Who will be the next casualties of William Regal’s Perfect Team? What is going on with Darby and his reaction to Jeff Hardy? Will The Ass Boys… Uh, I mean The Gunn Club do something? Anything?
Out of everything… I want to see the feud with Eddie Kingston and Chris Jericho unfold.
AEW Dynamite 3/9 has shaken the foundation. Our long running stables are no more, new groups are forming, new challenges and directions taking shape. Buckle up pro wrestling fans, AEW is about to take us for one hell of a roller coaster ride.