Written by: Kimmy Sokol
With a gray cloud over every wrestling fan’s head given all of the bad news this week, something has to be positive right? Last night Impact Wrestling celebrated 20 years of existence with their Slammiversary pay-per-view. With nostalgia, history making matches, and fun surprises here is my review of Slammiversary 2022.
Countdown: Digital Media Championship Rich Swann vs Brian Myers: The fact that Matt Cardona got injured in the hottest part of his career is unfortunate especially when it was supposed to be Cardona vs Swann. This match was fun and simple — nothing that stood out, but a fun way to get the crowd ready for the night.
Winner: Rich Swann
Reverse Battle Royal: Whoever came up with this original idea, I would really like to know what was going on in your head because this concept is … well interesting. Unlike in a regular battle royal where you are throwing your opponents over the top rope and out of the ring, wrestlers are on the outside and trying to throw their opponents in the ring. The first eight to get into the ring the take part in a regular battle royal resulting in the final two get to be in a traditional match up.
Seeing “Action” Mike Jackson, Sharkboy, Father James Mitchell and Slash (of The New Church) was a nice homage to the history of Impact/TNA. However, the rules of this were really dumb and confusing and I am so glad they really do not do this anymore. Johnny Swinger and Sharkboy were the final two which really showed the rich history of Impact Wrestling. They were very much pressing for time when we got to the final two, but seeing Sharkboy win really screams with that Total Nonstop Nostalgia. Impact DO NOT do this again
Winner: Sharkboy
*The introduction package they did for this pay-per-view was outstanding. They showed so much footage from the early days it screamed nostalgia. Impact was the first wrestling company I have ever watched so seeing this made me really excited*
Main Card: Ultimate X Match for the X Division Championship: Ace Austin vs “Speedball” Mike Bailey vs Trey Miguel vs Andrew Everett vs Kenny King vs Alex Zayne: Ultimate X matches are my favorite gimmick matches in wrestling and I love that Impact tries to do them as much as possible. All six competitors are extremely talented so this was going to be an ultimate banger. The ending was really nice seeing how long Austin and Bailey can hang on to the ropes. Very exciting for Mike Bailey as he has made a name for himself on the indies over the last year! #andnew!
Winner: “SpeedBall” Mike Bailey
*They did a special shoutout to Bob Ryder who helped create the loving world of Impact that we know today. Scott Hudson also interviewed the team of Impact Originals. That was cool and I love nostalgia. They also had video shoutouts from multiple Impact Legends the first one being Sting who said how much Impact meant to him.*
Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Influence vs Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary : Impact really does not have a lot of Knockout tag teams, which is why I feel as if they should not have Knockouts tag titles. I do respect the fact that Valkyrie was in Mexico less than 24 hours before this pay-per-view and flew all the way to Nashville. Rayne is an Impact legend and has accomplished so much in her entire career so it was also nice to see her a part of this night as a champion. Rosemary and Valkyrie hinted at dissension early in the match to play off the fact that it had been a while since they had teamed together. This match was not the greatest and a little slow at times. I was shocked they crowned new champions, but I am happy for Valkyrie and Rosemary regardless.
Winners: Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary
*Kurt Angle had a thank you video next. His debut in the company will always be one of the biggest moments in Impact Wrestling*
Monsters Ball: Moose vs Sami Callihan: If only Abyss was here to really add nostalgia to the monsters ball gimmick match. I enjoyed the fact they made both competitors stay in the dark for 24 hours before the match to really add to the dark life that Callihan has been trying to explain to Moose. Also, Sami doing Moose’s entrance was hilarious. Blood was presented early here as Moose also decided in the middle of his match that he needed a hotdog and water. Only in Impact Wrestling folks I swear. This match was everything monster’s ball was supposed to be; thumbtacks, tables, chairs, and barbed wire. Fun tribute to a historic match in Impact history.
Winner: Sami Callihan
Impact Tag Team Championships: The Briscoes vs The Good Brothers: Although we have seen this match several times these four can never put on a bad match. The Brisoces are a very underrated tag team and I am happy they are finally getting their due in other wrestling companies besides Ring of Honor. This match was good, I am surprised that we just decided to crown all new champions tonight. The Good Brothers need some new matchups with this title reign to truly make it make an impact.
Winners: The Good Brothers
*America’s Most Wanted came out to do a stare down after the match. It was nice seeing James Storm and Chris Harris who were on the first Impact broadcast 20 years ago. Storm talks about how tag team wrestling has always thrived in Impact and how so many people doubted Impact and they are standing 20 years later. All six individuals toasted to an historic 20 years.
They also did a promo package highlighting Don West and Mike Tenay; they are my favorite commentators. Tenay has always been fantastic and West is just legendary. Tom and Matt were very emotional after this video as they encouraged people to donate to Don West’s Gofundme page as he is fighting against cancer*
10 Man Tag; Honor No More:( Mike Benett, Matt Taven, Vincent, Eddie Edwards & PCO) vs Impact Originals: ( Chris Sabin, Frankie Kazarian, Alex Shelly, Nick Aldis & Davey Richards): I personally hate anything more than an eight man tag because I feel as if there are too many bodies moving around. However, I knew this match was going to be a banger just because of everyone in the match itself. Christy Hemme was the ring announcer for this match as she announced Scott D’AMore who played as his coaching gimmick as he joined the commentary desk for this match. They also showed Traci Brooks and Earl Hebner for more nostalgia. The fifth and final member of the Impact originals team was Davey Richards as he was introduced by Dixie Carter who gave an emotional speech about how she is so proud of what Impact has become in 20 years.
I was fine with the last member being Richards given the history between him and Edwards. It was nice to see them on opposite sides of the ring and not teaming with each other. It is interesting to note that the team of Impact originals had representatives from AEW, MLW, and NWA the wrestling world CAN get along with each other! Seeing Traci Brooks and Maria Kanellis take shots at each other was a nice touch, as well as D’ Lo Brown trying to make sure Kenny King did not get involved, as well as Earl Hebner checking on his son. NOSTALGIA PEOPLE!! This match was fun, a lot of fun spots and great chemistry all around and Earl making the final count for the TNA Originals. Great moment for TNA fans who have been supporting since Day 1.
Winners: Team Impact
*AJ Styles gave thanks to Impact as well. When you think of Impact you truly think of AJ Styles. I was happy to see him give thanks to the company that truly put him on the map. He talked about how him and the rest of the X Division changed the game of wrestling as a whole and that is 100% true Thank you WWE for letting him do that*
Queen of the Mountain: Tasha Steelz vs Jordynne Grace vs Deonna Purazzo vs Chelsea Green vs Mia Yim: HISTORY!!! I love the King of the Mountain matches. Impact has the best women’s division on the planet and I love seeing them make history on almost every pay-per-view. This match was very slow and for those who have never seen a King of the Mountain match these rules may have been confusing. Mickie James who was the special guest enforcer screwing over Green was great storytelling and having Savannah Evans thrown out early was also a great touch. I did not like how Steelz and Grace both became eligible at the same time and I wish they had their own separate moment to shine. The ending was also not the most exciting thing in the world and it was just kinda there. Green and Purazzo took a nasty fall on a table and I hope they are okay. I am happy Grace won, but I wanted a better ending.
Winner: Jordynne Grace
*Gia Miller introduced legendary backstage interviewer Goldy Locks. She interviewed Gail Kim as she was proud of the knockouts for making history in the Queen of the Mountain and also proud of everything she has been able to accomplish in Impact*
Impact World Title Match: Josh Alexander vs Eric Young: I loved how the main event was an Impact original vs a new generation of Impact superstars. This match screamed nostalgia. There were callbacks to a lot of Impact legends such as Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and more. This match was better than I thought it was going to be and they both had really good chemistry together. I could have done without the referee blinding spot, but it was to be expected since all of Violent By Design was out there. Alexander wins to close out the pay-per-view as we end an historic Slammiversary.
Given everything else that has happened the last two weeks in the wrestling world I thought this was a fun show. A lot of callbacks to the original TNA brand and a new step forward for the brand as a whole. I am telling you if you are not watching Impact what are you waiting for they have been having a stellar 2022!
Impact Slammiversary 2022 is now streaming on Fite.TV or your local PPV provider.
Tonight, a very special evening, it’s an evening that revolves around history and history on so many fronts.
We celebrate everything that brought us to this point and spotlight everybody that will take us into the future. THIS is #Slammiversary! pic.twitter.com/2MOlODRVVT