HomeTelevisionGood Omens Season 2 Review: The #1 Show You Should be Watching...

Good Omens Season 2 Review: The #1 Show You Should be Watching on Prime

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Prime Video

Written by Amanda Clark

When someone first thinks of the company Amazon, their first thought probably isn’t Prime Video – it’ll be Amazon Prime and how fast they can get whatever item they want that will most likely be returned in a few days. But with all the shows Prime Video has been releasing within the past year, Prime Video needs to become the version of Amazon that first comes to mind. Season two of one of the latest shows, Good Omens, recently dropped and it lives up to the first season’s expectations, possibly surpassing the quality of season one.

Good Omens has become the pinnacle of shows that come from a book. Season two delivers the audience with more emotion, action, comedy, heartfelt moments, and character development — especially with everyone’s favorite demon, Crowley (David Tennant, Doctor Who).

The demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen, Underworld) are the sole reason to watch this show. Their character dynamic on screen is a push-pull relationship, with the viewer wanting them to finally admit their feelings. One of them is always pushing for more, usually having it where one of them is pushing for help, and the other one is pulling away to focus on what he needs — and their roles switch from time to time.

This season the audience gets to see Crowley as an angel in one of the many flashbacks that have continued from season one, and we can tell just how much hope and enthusiasm Crowley had as an angel. This would be the best flashback as it shows just how long Aziraphale and Crowley have known each other and how far their relationship has grown.

Crowley is a character who isn’t as evil as he likes to think, with an emotional barrier that loosens even more in each episode until it’s basically gone. He fights his inner demons by playing “nice” to help his friend Aziraphale deal with a situation, like always. By doing so, it could be said Crowley becomes more human with how he acts with Aziraphale. And Aziraphale is still his angel self who looks at the good in everyone while trying to fix a situation. He hasn’t changed much this season, but, by doing so, Aziraphale basically pushes Crowley to change.

The only part of this season that could have used some tweaks are two side characters: Nina (Nina Sosanya, His Dark Materials) and Maggie (Maggie Service, Quiz). The two characters seem to only be in this season to add in new characters, so the audience won’t get bored of everyone who is in season one, but that will never happen with Crowley and Aziraphale. However, both actresses aren’t new to this show. Sosanya played Sister Mary Loquacious in season one alongside Service, who played Sister Theresa Garrulous.

Seeing both actresses, especially Sosanya, who had a larger role in season one, made the first episode a little confusing when they are on screen. Seeing them in different roles leads the viewer to assume maybe they just needed a new identity and job because of how season one went, but then Nina doesn’t recognize Crowley and vice versa. So now it feels like the show itself isn’t able to find new actresses/actors and is recycling the ones who have a good relationship with the creator.

When it comes to their characters, Nina and Maggie, they felt pointless when it comes to the overall plot of the show. Everything could have gotten the same outcome without them, Aziraphale and Crowley would just have fewer people to interact with. And there would need to be a small number of scenes that would need to be rewritten.

But a different side character who is one of the returning characters, Gabriel (Jon Hamm, Mad Men), is the second-best part of the new season. (Nothing can really top the main characters, no matter how hard they try.) The way the creator steered Gabriel down a different path than the first season was a great move, as it shows the fans another side of this angel. Even though his character is likable in season one, this season made him more of a lovable character , and fans will now be more concerned about what happens to him.

Good Omens Season 2 pulls at the show’s strengths to enhance the plot and each character’s personality. Ending on a cliffhanger, this season only gets better with each episode, unraveling more to the new plot. If you haven’t seen it yet, Good Omens should be the next show to binge-watch, as Season 2 only creates more drama and serves the already loved characters on a silver platter to the audience for seconds.

Good Omens Season 2 is now streaming on Prime Video.



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