Who knew it was possible for a series to keep getting better complete with a consistent flow of good writing, great plot advancements, character development, and just be plain-out entertaining?
Ahsoka Part 7: ‘Dreams and Madness’ proves that with care and attention, so much is possible for a Disney+ show. Unfortunately, there is no match-off with Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson) and/or Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi) against Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) … yet. Nonetheless, this episode included a good amount of fight scenes along with heart-to-heart moments that are much needed.
One of the best things to come from this episode is Ahsoka’s personality. It is finally right back to how the animated version of her acted as she is no longer an extremely serious character. Although can anyone really blame her for being serious now with all that she’s gone through? Viewers finally get to see her mess with Huyang (David Tennant) and have a lighter side to her throughout the entire episode something that hasn’t been as apparent in the live-action version of Ahsoka.
Since Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen) returned for the World Between Worlds scenes, why not bring him back in the form of an old hologram to bring the viewer and Ahsoka back to when he was her master? Even though this is a short moment with Anakin, it added to the episode in a way that wasn’t seen coming. After all, why assume he’ll be back for more when there are no implications he will be. But the fact that he is back in this episode makes the prequels stand out even more all the while reminding fans that yeah this is the same Ahsoka from the animated series everyone grew to love.
Ahsoka training to the hologram of Anakin tied in later in the episode when she faces off with Baylan Skoll (Ray Stevenson) again. The way she handles the fight where she didn’t need to beat him, just distract him long enough to go help Sabine Wren (Natasha Liu Bordizzo) and Ezra is just like the way her master would handle the situation. Ahsoka working with Huyang to pull Baylan away from the fight itself is done wonderfully, and it’s actually a nice thing that she didn’t defeat him as his character has been well written and executed.
Once Ahsoka joined the fight with Ezra and Sabine, things came together in a way where it’s a heartfelt moment, yet things will be getting intense any second now. It is a great moment to see Ezra and Ahsoka reunite, but this only means that the fight with Thrawn is thankfully coming next episode — something that will be worth a watch and make fans giddy from how it’s going to be played out. At the same time seeing Shin Hati (Ivanna Sakhno) for one second consider taking Ahsoka’s hand for help is something that will hopefully be brought up again in the season finale.
Another aspect of this episode that any fan of Star Wars should be talking about is Anthony Daniels’ C-3PO making a last-minute Senate save for Hera Syndulla (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). This little cameo adds even more of an overall tie into the Star Wars universe rather than it feeling like yes it’s in that universe but still on its own as a side show.
And finally, a Zeb name drop. Seeing how it’s practically Star Wars Rebels Season 6, hearing Zeb’s name is groundbreaking and wanted. A scene with him would be interesting but isn’t needed (yet) as this should still focus on Ahsoka and her mission. Plus, at this point it would be out of nowhere and probably not aligned with the series’ plot. Maybe if there’s an Ahsoka Season 2, but honestly the way this show has been going, it would be nice if a Season 2 just goes deeper into what’s currently happening.
Everything is being built up for that Thrawn v. Ahsoka and Ezra fight and this will hopefully be a good chunk of the season’s finale. After all fight scenes are some of the best scenes in the Star Wars universe even though they could always be at least a minute longer.
Ahsoka Part 7 is top tier television and should only set the bar higher for everything else Disney makes in the future.