AEW Dynamite New Year’s Smash 2023 kicks off with a hot opener, the finals of the Gold League Continental Tournament bracket where Jon Moxley defeats both Jay White and Swerve Strickland to advance to the final match at the PPV this Saturday night, World’s End. A brawl of a match, with a lot of close calls. While Swerve was the clear MVP of the match, the decision for Mox to once again triumph in a main event spot might meet with some scrutiny. I feel with Swerve’s recent success against “Hangman” Adam Page and having been so heavily pushed since the Texas Death Match, a major championship match was in his near future. However, those dreams have been dashed, and abruptly backstage we learn Keith Lee issued a challenge to meet at World’s End.
Pushing Mox again into a big spot is questionable and risky. My guess is he will likely lose to whomever wins later tonight.
Backstage: Top Flight and Action Andretti will face Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, and Trent in trios this Friday on Rampage.
In a pre-taped segment, Miro demands a match against Andrade, and this will happen at World’s End. Hey, I’m all for surprise matches being booked. But you know, fickle internet trolls want sToRiEs! I’m not that old, but back in the ’80s and ’90s, the only matches with stories and builds were main events and title bouts, while the rest of the mid-card were all booked with little notice a week or two before the event.
In the ring, Don Callis presents his family with Boxing Day artwork. Tony Schiavone is not enthused. He presents art to Powerhouse Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, and Kyle Fletcher, but one remains. Callus continues ranting while the crowd tries to drown him out with expletives. However, Sammy Guevara returns and he appears a bit disgruntled. Callis surprises him with artwork of his own, but Sammy seems to not exactly be appreciative of the gesture. Callis and Sammy exchange some harsh words, which eventually leads to Sammy attacking Callis, but then falls victim to the other members, until… Chris Jericho makes the save! He chases the Callis Family away, reunites with Sammy, destroying the paintings! As Jericho and Sammy celebrate, they are blindsided by Big Bill and Ricky Starks, the AEW World Tag Team Champions! The attack continues as the lights go out… and back on to reveal Darby Allin and STIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!! The heels are all driven off as Jericho, Sammy, Sting, and Darby show respect in the ring.
Backstage: Roderick Strong promises to prove MJF is the Devil!
“King of the Bums” Eddie Kingston defeated Bryan Danielson in an epic Match of the Year Candidate
What. A. Match. Eddie and Bryan can wrestle, but they bring a such important element into the ring, and that is the visual storytelling through physical fighting, the facial expressions, and their innate ability to garner emotional reactions from the live crowd, and I imagine from the audience at home. Danielson while on the offensive taunted and toyed with Kingston often, however this would fire up Kingston and the live crowd. Ultimately, Kingston’s rally at the end with multiple spinning backfists followed by the Misawa Powerbomb earned the pinfall and the winner of the Blue Bracket Tournament.
Watch this match. Words can only do so much justice. I thoroughly enjoyed this and sitting forward, attentive, front-and-center for this one.
I initially thought we would get another BCC match in Mox vs. Danielson for the final, but getting the ultimate in long-term storytelling, two friends but often rivals in Mox and Kingston will be one hell of a main event bout at World’s End.
The post-match promo from Mox and Kingston was great, adds more intensity and anxious anticipation for Saturday night.
Sit Down Interview with Adam Copeland and Christian Cage wound up as a brawl all over the place.
Skye Blue defeated Kris Statlander
Great match. Blue winning with an omega-level Code Blue proves that while she can believably defeat Statlander, she needed help from Julia Hart and had to hit her finish off the top rope to do it. Skye Blue, along with Julia Hart and Willow Nightingale were the most improved in 2023. Being heavily featured on multiple shows helped considerably. Statlander, even in defeat still looks great as always.
Stokely Hathaway on commentary was amusing but also intriguing as to why he is seeking a partnership with Statlander.
Backstage: Saraya and Ruby Soho are talking over about a “gift” for a match on Rampage, and Harley Cameron is brought out. Some innuendos are made, and as Soho walks away, Cameron pulls out a kitchen knife.
Uh, what?
The Devil’s Masked Men defeated MJF for the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championships
MJF was outmatched from the get-go as Joe was shown on the big screen as injured, so Max went at it solo. This proved to be a mistake, as he was overwhelmed, and then pinned following the use of his own finisher, the Heatseeker.
After the match, more masked men beat up on MJF, but are chased away by a hobbling, but chair-brandishing Joe. The Devil appears on-screen with a written message, “Pleasure doing business with you.” Suddenly, Joe’s face twists, and he clobbers the AEW World Champion with the chair. Joe, appearing to be in the pocket of the Devil now gains the upper hand going into the PPV this Saturday.
This also kicks up the suspense who the new ROH Tag Team Champions are. We won’t know until the PPV… or will we?
Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish perhaps?
The PPV go-home show for Dynamite scores a solid A in my book. I have no doubt Collision on Friday will tie up any loose ends and serve to increase the hype set tonight.