Fantasy Booking 101 is a column on Pop Break dedicated to our writers wild wrestling imaginations.
This column, which will drop on Tuesday February 11, comes off the heels of major roster changes within the world of WWE and AEW. Over the previous weekend 10 WWE Superstars were either released (with the requisite 90 day clause) or told their contracts would not be renewed, while on the day prior to this column’s publications three major names from AEW were removed from the company’s website and they are now free agents with no 90-Day clause.
Luckily, this isn’t pre-AEW or that horrible unprecedented time when wrestling shows were a difficult proposition, there are viable places for all of these wrestlers to work. So, let’s fantasy book where these talents will end up.
Please Remember: This is a fantasy booking column. What’s written here are educated guesses, and some are (as our friend Wade Wilson would say) “educated wishes.” We have zero inside information, nor are any of these to be taken as gospel truth.
“Absolute” Ricky Starks
Destination: NXT
Don’t Rule Out: Main Roster WWE, TNA
Ricky Starks is absolutely no longer part of AEW. See what we did there. It’s not secret Ricky and AEW had some sort of falling out, and that Ricky did not want to stick around. It’s obvious as the day is long that WWE will be Ricky’s destination, but the main roster might not be his first stop. NXT has its first PLE on Netflix this Sunday (Vengeance Day), so what better way to make headlines — especially with AEW running their Grand Slam Australia show — than having an “absolute” star make a high profile debut. He’d be the perfect foil to Trick Williams, Oba Femi, Je’Von Evans and the babyfaces of NXT while also making a great ally to someone like Ethan Page. Ricky has the persona, in-ring work and mic skills tailor-made for WWE and he’s be an instant draw for the show’s CW program.
Speedball Mike Bailey
Destination: AEW
Don’t Rule Out: NXT, TNA
Speedball Mike Bailey has been rumored to be AEW for a minute now. He makes perfect sense for the Jacksonville territory for so many reasons. First, his skill set would be highly appreciated by the hardcore AEW fanbase. Second, his personality fits the weird, island of misfits toys cult hero status that the likes of Orange Cassidy, and more recently Harley Cameron have attained. Matches with the likes of PAC, Claudio Castagnoli, Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega would be excellent. Also, having him involved in AEW’s relationship with New Japan and CMLL would be mind-blowing. However, given the fact he hasn’t debuted yet for AEW, you can’t rule out WWE swooping in and adding him to the ranks of NXT, or him deciding to head back to TNA.
Cedric Alexander
Destination: AEW
Don’t Rule Out: TNA
As soon as Cedric Alexander was released, rumblings started that his former Hurt Business stablemates MVP, Bobby Lashley and Shelton Benjamin would be pushing for him to be brought into AEW. Cedric, like Bailey, will have a litany of great opponents to work against — many of whom he has a history with. Let’s not forget Cedric was a regular member of Ring of Honor and PWG for a long time before heading to WWE. However, despite this all, TNA might actually be the best landing spot for him. Cedric has a ton of upside as a singles wrestler and TNA does need fresh faces, so him heading over to Total Nonstop Action might not be a bad idea.
Malakai Black
Destination: WWE (Main Roster)
Don’t Rule Out: NXT
The rumors of Malakai Black wanting out of AEW to head back to WWE began the second Paul Levesque took the book from Vince McMahon in summer 2022. Remember that weird moment in time where he asked for his release in 2022? Yeah, weird times. Malakai, now out of his deal, is undoubtedly bound for WWE. Would it be a shock if he debuted on a RAW while this column is being written? No it would not! He’ll be a perfect addition to the WWE main roster as he’s got everything WWE audiences love right now — vibe, aura, a great taunt and a killer finisher. There’s a slight chance he goes to NXT to make a splash, but can’t see that happening with one of his biggest supporters in charge of the big shows.

Tom Pestock
Destination: New Japan Pro Wrestling
Don’t Rule Out: Pro Wrestling Noah
The former Baron Corbin (and potential future Bishop Dyer) is new to the world outside of WWE. He performed at GCW’s Hammerstein Ballroom show and impressed a lot of people when he tangled, and predictably lost to Josh Barnett. His new look, gravitation towards an MMA style, and a highly improved move set, he could easily be brought into New Japan. The King of Sport is in need of fresh faces and new talent. Neither Nic Nemeth or Matt Riddle stuck, but the new and improved Pestock could actually find a home (and a groove) in New Japan much like MVP and Shelton Benjamin did before him. If Tanahashi doesn’t want to bring him in, then the Great Muta, who runs NOAH, would likely jump at the chance to bring him in and grapple with their top guys.
“The Redeemer” Miro
Destination: WWE (Main Roster)
Don’t Rule Out: GCW Bloodsport
If Miro doesn’t end up back in WWE to have one last match with John Cena then what are we doing here? And that’s not a joke. It would be monumentally dumb not to book that match. Since it is fantasy booking, he should not return to WWE simply as the Rusev of old. No, he should return as “The Redeemer.” It was such a great character, and it would work tremendously in WWE. He would be a perfect “Night After Wrestlemania” debut. In the meantime doing a one-off for GCW, probably at Bloodsport, would be a nice pay day for him and fuel the speculation of his future.
“The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander
Destination: NXT
Don’t Rule Out: AEW, New Japan
Josh Alexander’s contract just ended and he is now officially a free agent. His wife, Jade Chung, is no longer involved with TNA either. So, it is now time for him to test the waters. He seems to be the wrestler that HHH, HBK and William Regal would love to have in tow as a player/coach. Close your eyes, you can see him in the NXT tracksuit, right? He makes sense as the grizzled vet who can get the next generation ready. While he would fit there — this is fantasy booking and where we’d like to see him is AEW. “The Walking Weapon” working with AEW and eventually New Japan talent would be absolutely awesome. Ishii vs. Alexander? Alexander vs. Kingston? Fletcher or Takeshita vs. Alexander? Ospreay vs. Alexander? We could keep going! Ultimately, being “all elite” would be our ideal for “The Walking Weapon.”
Blair Davenport
Destination: Stardom
Don’t Rule Out: Marigold, TNA, AEW
The soon-to-be Bea Priestley is excellent. Sadly, we didn’t see much of her excellence in NXT, and we never saw it on the main roster of WWE. And if we’re being honest, we never got to see much of her in AEW either since she was released as the world went into lockdown. So, to this writer, the ceiling is super high for Bea. Stardom and potentially Marigold would be chomping at the bit to get Bea back in the fold. In the states, TNA would be silly not to bring her in as the lack of Jordynne Grace has created a shortage on the Knockouts bench. We did mention AEW and she was there previously, and if things are on good terms with Tony Khan and Will Ospreay (her former boyfriend) — she’d fit in magnificently adding a smash mouth style to an already hard-hitting division.
Authors of Pain
Destination: MLW
Don’t Rule Out: AAA
At one point in time AOP seemed like they would be the new generation Road Warriors. Sadly, they are currently the new generation Master Blasters. They had a mediocre original run in WWE, were brought back, sat on the bench for a long time, and then came back for yet another mediocre WWE run. MLW often brings in WWE projects and has had success with them (see: Matt Riddle, Austin Aries, etc). AOP could use the chance to work here as a springboard to something bigger. They could easily end up in AAA as that promotion often likes to bring in former WWE talent to work with their heel authority figure, which could be fun. Regardless, whomever picks up AOP (if they decide to keep wrestling), they need to get them the right creative to help them out.

Indi Hartwell
Destination: TNA
Don’t Rule Out: AEW, ROH
TNA is often my pick for free agents who could benefit from the Knockouts Division. Indi Hartwell is one of them. Given her friendship with Steph de Lander, and the opportunity for iron sharpening matches — TNA is almost a no-brainer. However, AEW does has a big ol’ PPV in Australia this weekend. Would anyone be shocked to see a hometown gal come out and help fellow countrywoman Harley Cameron? Or just come as a surprise opponent for someone? It’s a definite possibility and if she does become “all elite” she would definitely benefit from heading to ROH.
Nixon Newell (fka Teagan Nox)
Destination: AEW
Don’t Rule Out: TNA
Nixon Newell did not have the greatest WWE run thanks to multiple injuries. There were hints of what she could do on the main roster when she wrestled Becky. We saw multiple glimpses of her upside in NXT. A shot in AEW could be just what the doctor ordered. She’s a natural babyface who could definitely work well as running buddies with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander and the foil to someone like Jamie Hayter and Megan Bayne.
Sonya Deville:
Destination: GCW Bloodsport, Stardom
There’s this thought in the back of my head … Sonya Deville’s time as a wrestler might be coming to a close. Could she end up in an AEW or TNA? Sure. But there’s just something in my mind that says she makes a transition to reality television, activism and non-wrestling endeavors. However, I can still see a short-run at Stardom and definitely a match with Bloodsport.
Paul Ellering
Destination: AEW
Don’t Rule Out: MLW
“Precious” Paul Ellering is destined for one of two places. Either bring Authors of Pain into MLW, or to manage an act in AEW. AEW comes across as the most likely destination. Tony Khan is a fan of wrestling history. He’s from Illinois. How would he not bring in the manager of The Road Warriors even for a one-off?
Giovanni Vinci
Destination: New Japan
Don’t Rule Out: Ring of Honor, TNA
Vinci is a super-talented wrestler who had a terrific run as a member of Imperium. New Japan snagging him for a New Japan Cup, a Best of the Super Juniors (if he trimmed down) or just some regular old tours would be smart. He’s got tons of upside and is in dire need of reinvention as he was put on the shelf for far too long. TNA would also benefit from having him on the roster (imagine him in Ultimate X?) and he’d also be a good fit in ROH. However, New Japan would be a prime spot for him to reignite things.
“Alwayz Ready” Matt Cardona
Destination: WWE
Don’t Rule Out: AEW
It’s a head scratcher that WWE hasn’t brought Cardona back. He’d be over with the crowd. He’d move merch. He’d have good TV matches. He could easily move between the main roster and NXT and sharpen up young talent. It all makes too much sense. Imagine how much heel heat he and his wife Chelsea Green would get? It’s leaving money on the table. It’s shocking he isn’t signed to AEW. His ROH Title Match with Chris Jericho … wasn’t great. Yet, his match with Cope though, was.
Duke Hudson
Destination: New Japan
Don’t Rule Out: NOAH, TNA
The former Brendan Vink/Elliot Sexton is a big athletic guy who can talk. He has an existing relationship with TMDK from his days in the Aussie indies. Can see him getting a call to join the boys in New Japan. NOAH can’t be ruled out. TNA could work with him as he does have upside.
Jonathan Gresham
Destination: NXT
Don’t Rule Out: TNA
“The Octopus” had his deal with TNA come up recently. With his wife, Jordynne Grace, signing with WWE as a big-time free agent, one could see him not far behind. Gresham is a terrific wrestler and would be such an addition to NXT as a player/coach. If that doesn’t pan out, one can easily see him back in TNA.
Isla Dawn
Destination: TNA
Don’t Rule Out: AEW
Isla Dawn has a hell of a persona. She would fit TNA’s long history of spooky characters absolutely perfectly. Could see her pop up in AEW or ROH when they tour in the UK for a few spots as well.
Elektra Lopez
Destination: MLW
Don’t Rule Out: AAA, TNA
Something with what seemed like some upside and was relegated to doing next to nothing. She seems like someone MLW would bring in to work with their Azteca show or to work a program with their champ Delmi Exo. Again, never rule out the Knockouts Division. Can also see her working some dates in AAA in the import rudo role working with Konnan.
The Good Brothers
Destination: New Japan
Don’t Rule Out: MLW, Maple Leaf Pro, TNA
The Good Brothers will head to New Japan obviously. However, the question is — for how long or how often? New Japan is trying to get young. So, a prime spot for him on this roster is not guaranteed. Karl Anderson will definitely be a stop on the Tanahashi Retirement Tour. Gallows will be along for the ride. One can easily see them pop up in places like MLW, TNA and Scott D’Amore’s Maple Leaf Pro.