HomeTelevisionAEW Dynamite Episode 10 Review: The Best Complete Episode of Dynamite

AEW Dynamite Episode 10 Review: The Best Complete Episode of Dynamite

AEW Dynamite Episode 10 will receive an odd compliment from me — this was the most complete episode of the series so far.

So what does that even mean?

If you look at the criticisms AEW has received since it premiered on TNT you’ll see fans and critics alike have not been happy with the lack of women’s wrestling on the show, the lack of overall character development (and explanation of characters), and matches being “overstuffed” with too many high spots.

This episode addressed all these issues, and gave the AEW audience a more complete episode. This wasn’t a PWG spots spots spots spots showcase, nor was it laden was sports entertainment zabada like last week. Yes, audio problems as well as timing issues, and some commentary flubs didn’t hurt the episode. But if you look at this episode as a whole it delivered strong, exciting wrestling matches, it advanced storylines, it built characters, and AEW (using social media synergy) explained a lot of what was happening.

Let’s break everything down…

The Young Bucks & Dustin Rhodes defeated Proud-N-Powerful & Sammy Guevara

The early audio issues were a buzzkill. However, The Young Bucks seemed more motivated than ever to get the crowd lit, and they certainly did. This was 100 mph but I felt it was less spotty than a normal Bucks 100 mph match. Dustin Rhodes definitely was the MVP, pulling everything out including a Canadian Destroyer that would make Ricky Morton proud. It was pretty amazing to see Rhodes, at his age, not only keep up the pace, but ET the pace for the match. PNP is just a wonder and an amazing team. Sammy’s VLOG Shooting Star might’ve been silly, but for his character it worked. The Double Meltzer Driver/Centan Splash combo was an awesome finish.

Rey Fenix defeated Trent

It’s incredible that Rey Fenix has become the best masked wrestler in the world (fight me) in 2019. I remember him in Lucha Underground and thought he was a talent, but his older brother Pentagon Jr. always overshadowed him. In the past two years he has found this whole new level and is delivering incredible match after incredible match. I loved what this match did for Trent as well. They’re really pushing him as a legit solo guy, and to be fair his time is due. He’s had three GREAT singles matches with PAC, Penta and now Fenix. I wouldn’t mind seeing this one again real soon.

Cody Rhodes Promo

One year ago if someone would’ve said, “In 2019 Cody Rhodes will be one of the best promo guys in all of wrestling,” I probably would’ve been like, “Yeah, I don’t see it.” As per usual, I was wrong. Cody is legit one of the absolute best on the mic. Period. Full Stop. His work tonight did so much. He reminded everyone he can’t challenge for the title. He furthered his feud with MJF. He questioned his alliances with his wife and her weirdness, Dustin going into a blood feud with The Inner circle, and MJF taking away his moment. He also addressed the Butcher, Blade, and Bunny and most importantly put them all over. This was excellent work by Cody, and he is money in the bank on the mic.

Nyla Rose defeated Leva Bates

This was what you’d expect. However, this did further her storyline with Shanna, which is important. It was announced Nyla was suspended for the rest of 2019, which could allow for a very nice angle to start brewing.

Chris Jericho Introduces The Lexicon…and Then Jungle Boy

I don’t know how in the world Chris Jericho does it. He literally gets everything over. The Lexicon of Le Champion? It should’ve been boo-ed out of the state, but it just works. This part of his promo was absolutely brilliant and shows how masterful Jericho is on the mic. He literally can be the coolest guy in the ring, an absolute coward, and the butt of the joke with one sentence. This promo reinforced so much of AEW’s 2019 storyline as well as fueling his feud with Jon Moxley.

What I don’t think anyone was expecting was The Jurassic Express to come out, and go toe-to-toe on the mic with Le Champion. We all knew Luchasaurus could talk (and was over), but he did a great job on the mic. I loved Jericho’s exchange with Jungle Boy, and despite young Jack Perry not having a single victory to his name, the crowd loves him. I cannot wait to see him and Jericho tangle.

Kris Statlander defeated Hikaru Shida

Match of the night, and dare I say the best women’s match in AEW to date. I knew AEW liked Statlander, but I figured this would be a competitive match but ultimately a way for the increasingly popular Hikaru Shida to look strong. Again, I was wrong. Statlander is a star. She is that homegrown talent in the women’s division AEW needs. She’s got a great character, is terrific in the ring, and is still young and fresh. Shida and Statlander had a terrific chemistry together, and I would be down to see them do this again.

The Nightmare Collective Promo

So, we finally hear from Brandi Rhodes…and this is not what I was expecting. The Nightmare Collective comes off like a female version of The Dark Order, and I’m just confused. They did pull a Straight Edge Society by finding a “recruit” and shaving her head. This was indie wrestler Melanie Cruz — so maybe she becomes a full time member of AEW? Listen, I wasn’t a fan of the angle, but if this leads to an Awesome Kong/Kris Statlander match I am here for it.

Pentagon Jr. defeated Christopher Daniels

The weakest match of the night, which is surprising considering who was in it. Daniels just looked off tonight. Not sure if was ring rust, or a bad day in the ring, but he was not as crisp as he usually is.

The Butcher, The Blade & The Bunny Explained

This was effective in two parts. First, Allie explained who they were and that they were there to “cut the head off the snake” of AEW — Cody Rhodes. I can dig it. Second, we found out they chose Cody’s partner, QT Marshall (a jobber in AEW, also an office guy). Lastly, thanks to Twitter we get a terrific promo from MJF stating he was in fact the man who hired, The Butcher, The Blade, and The Bunny to take out Cody, and how he’ll never fight Cody, and he doesn’t need his money.

Jon Moxley defeated Joey Janela

AEW needs to time their shows out better because once again the main event was up against the clock. Regardless, Moxley and Janela had a really good match. Was it on par with their batshit crazy Lights Out Match from Fyter Fest? No. And it never was going to be. This was a straight up match with no plunder involved. To be honest the beginning of the match with Mox dominating Janela was not fun to watch. It seemed like we were heading to squash city, but luckily the tides turned, and they did a really good job of making you believe that Janela could actually pull this one out. Also, major kudos to the camera team of AEW for the incredible up shot of Moxley looking frightened — you knew Janela was coming off the top, and when he did it was an awesome moment. I have to compliment them on the spot because this was actually a believable table spot. Too often we get this big set up, with guys adjusting themselves on the table and waiting for someone to jump onto them. This seemed natural, and it added to the moment. MOX doing a Paradigm Shift on the top turnbuckle was awesome. I’m not sure what AEW has planned for Joey Janela, they definitely should be doing something him in the future.

AEW Dynamite Episode 10 is now streaming on the TNT app.

Bill Bodkin
Bill Bodkinhttps://thepopbreak.com
Bill Bodkin is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Pop Break, and most importantly a husband, and father. Ol' Graybeard writes way too much about wrestling, jam bands, Asbury Park music, Disney+ shows, and can often be seen under his season DJ alias, DJ Father Christmas. He is the co-host of Pop Break's flagship podcast The Socially Distanced Podcast (w/Amanda Rivas) which drops weekly as well as TV Break and Bill vs. The MCU.

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