Admittedly, yours truly wasn’t as impressed with the Obi-Wan Kenobi premiere as our Editor-in-Chief. That’s not to say the show bored me. But it didn’t wow me. This writer was worried going into this review that Obi Wan Kenobi Part III would feel the same.
Fortunately, the series is improving, thanks to the introduction of Darth Vader (played by Hayden Christensen and voiced by James Earl Jones). Obi-Wan’s (Ewan McGregor) and Vader’s confrontation might contradict A New Hope, depending on how you interpret certain lines. Vader never said when they last met in that film. Either way, Darth Vader’s presence injects a great amount of emotion into the episode.
Star Wars has finally rehabilitated the iconic villain’s image. Beyond negative reactions to the prequel films, the character had become a parody of himself, dancing to Michael Jackson at Disney World. With his appearance in Obi-Wan Kenobi and Rogue One, he reclaims his title as Dark Lord of the Sith. He unleashes his fiery vengeance upon Kenobi (literally) and ragdolls the civilians in his way, breaking necks with a flick of a wrist.
McGregor sells the turmoil Obi-Wan is going through. The biggest mistake of his life has returned, and Master Qui-Gon (Liam Neeson, Taken) is absent to help. We know by the end of these six episodes Obi-Wan will rediscover hope—that does diminish the drama of the situation, but it’s still a matter of how.
The show’s biggest weakness is the ongoing effort to bring Princess Leia (Vivien Lyra Blair, Bird Box) back to Alderaan. As mentioned before, decide for yourself whether this contradicts the original movie. It would explain why Leia knew Obi-Wan was going by Ben, though it makes you question why she didn’t mention this meeting in her hologram. Also, Leia wasn’t always the nicest in the movies—she was pretty rude to C-3PO (understandable) and called Chewbacca a walking carpet.
Vivien Lyra Blair and Ewan McGregor do have good chemistry, though Kenobi continues to retread The Mandalorian.
Overall, a solid episode of television, and one with a good cliffhanger. Inquisitor Reva (Moses Ingram, Queen’s Gambit) is the one moving the plot along, and she no doubt has evil plans for Leia. I look forward to seeing them interact. And Vader and Obi-Wan will no doubt clash again in an even more spectacular duel.
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