HomeMoviesTrailer Tuesday: The Amazing Spider-Man

Trailer Tuesday: The Amazing Spider-Man

bill bodkin and logan j. fowler get caught up in the reboot’s web of interest…


Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Theater. Probably the first time in the site’s history that we did a Trailer Tuesday on the actual day that the movie released, The Amazing Spider-Man is a reboot of the Sam Raimi trilogy that first started in 2002. Comparisons are going to be made, people are possibly going to wonder why this movie is coming out, but naysayers be damned; I’m excited. Spidey’s latest cinematic outing is earning loads of good buzz due to a stellar cast and a stronger take on the character, and well, it’s Spider-Man, I was going to see it as soon as I possibly could anyway. Tomorrow, in fact, I will be celebrating America by going to see the wallcrawler crack wise, spin webs, and bring the bad guys to justice. Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man! SO EXCITED. –LJF


Theater, Rent, No Thanks, Undecided? Undecided. I usually have a definitive answer about films in this column, but I honestly cannot tell you if I want to plop a ten spot down for the reboot of Spider-Man. I think I’m hung up on the simple question of “Why the hell do we need to reboot a film franchise, that was done really (excluding the third film), that is barely a decade old?” To me, I lost a lot of love for the Spider-Man franchise after the utter piece of crap that was Spider-Man 3 and right now this reboot feels like nothing more than a cash grab by Sony. So I don’t feel particularly inspired to run out and see this film. Also, nothing about the trailer really makes my cinematic Spidey senses really tingle. I will undoubtedly see this movie at some point, I just don’t know, and I’m sure this will sadden my Trailer Tuesday partner Logan J. Fowler, if I will be down with the webhead this summer in theaters. –BB

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