Bill Bodkin

Bill Bodkin
Bill Bodkin is the editor-in-chief and co-founder of Pop Break, and most importantly a husband, and father. Ol' Graybeard writes way too much about wrestling, jam bands, Asbury Park, Disney+ shows, and can often be seen under his seasonal DJ alias, DJ Father Christmas. He is the co-host of Pop Break's flagship podcast The Socially Distanced Podcast (w/Amanda Rivas) which drops weekly as well as TV Break and Bill vs. The MCU.

Shipwrecked at The Shore Interview Series: The Fighting Jamesons

bill bodkin has a pint with one of the best Celtic bands out there ... The month of March is a time for those of...

Shipwrecked At The Shore Interview Series: Aquavibe

bill bodkin talks with the mix-up pioneers as they prepare for their record release party tonight, March 8 at The Wonder Bar in Asbury...

Shipwrecked At The Shore Interview Series: Cicada Radio

bill bodkin catches up with the North Jersey rock band as they get ready for their performance on Thursday, March 8 at The Wonder...

Lost Picture Show: Tucker And Dale vs. Evil

bill bodkin looks at the backwoods horror comedy ... Release Date: Limited release Oct. 2, 2011 First Saw It: Netflix in February What Drew Me To See...

Pop-Break Preview: Bowlive III

bill bodkin previews the third installment of the 10-night festival of jazz, funk, bowling and soul food in Brooklyn ... A 10-night stand of soul...

Album Review: ‘Beautiful And Wild’ by Amelia White

bill bodkin reviews the singer/songwriter's new album ... Amelia White's album Beautiful And Wild is a picture of subtlety and understatement. It has an ethereal...

Interview: Justin Terrance Brown

bill bodkin speaks with the singer-songwriter, who holds his record release party on today, Feb. 25, at The Trinity And The Pope in Asbury...

Interview: Ed Roland of Collective Soul

bill bodkin speaks with the lead singer of collective soul as he rolls into Asbury Park, N.J., as part of the Southern Gentlemen Tour...

Interview: Flogging Molly

bill bodkin raises a pint with the celtic punk rockers ... Flogging Molly makes beautiful music. Their anthems are a perfect pint-raising fusions of rollicking...

Pop-Break Live: Shipwrecked At The Shore Showcase (Feb. 16)

Words & Photos by Bill Bodkin Last Thursday, Feb. 16, presented its second Shipwrecked At The Shore Showcase at the famed Wonder Bar in...

Pop-Break Live: Lost In Society at The Asbury Lanes

pop-break catches the New Jersey pop-punk band in Asbury Park ... Words and Photos by Bill Bodkin Pop-Break was in the house at The Asbury Lanes...

Interview: Tragedy — The All-Metal Tribute To The Bee Gees

bill bodkin delivers one of the funniest interviews pop-break has ever done ... and we're warning you now: this gets a little raunchy ... Some...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor