Daniel Cohen

Daniel Cohen
Daniel Cohen likes movies and bagels, and that’s pretty much it. Aside from writing Box Office predictions, Daniel hosts the monthly Batman by the Numbers Podcast on the Breakcast feed. Speaking of Batman, If Daniel was sprayed by Scarecrow's fear toxin, it would be watching Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen on a non-stop loop.

Review: Hotel Transylvania

daniel cohen sinks his teeth into the new animated film... Plot: Dracula (Adam Sandler) runs a hotel in Transylvania strictly for monsters only. But when...

Review: Dredd 3D

dan cohen is the law... Plot:The future has become a radiated wasteland, except for one city in the new world known as Mega-City One. Judges...

Fall Movie Preview (2012)

daniel cohen looks at his ten most anticipated films coming out of the film... Dust off the Oscar monocles…it’s time for the Fall Movie season!...

Review: Resident Evil: Retribution

daniel cohen goes global... Plot: Alice (Milla Jovovich) forms an uneasy alliance with her past nemesis Albert Wesker (Shawn Roberts) in order to escape a...

Review: The Words

daniel cohen looks at the literary drama... Plot: Told from the perspective of a famous author (Dennis Quaid) as he shares his upcoming novel about...

2012 Summer Movie Wrap-Up

daniel cohen examines the summer movie season... Another over-crowded summer movie season has come and gone. We saw superheroes, a record-breaking opening weekend, superheroes, sequels,...

Review: Lawless

daniel cohen reviews the prohibition thriller... Plot: Set in prohibition era Virginia, the Bondurant brothers run a successful bootlegging operation until a corrupt police official...

Review: Premium Rush

daniel cohen feels the rush...sorta Plot: When a reckless bike messenger named Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) picks up a package that attracts the attention of a...

Review: The Campaign

daniel cohen reviews the new political comedy... Plot: As Cam Brady (Will Ferrell) is about to win his fifth term as North Carolina Congressman unopposed,...

Review: Total Recall

daniel cohen reviews the remake of the ahnold classic... Plot: Set in the future where most of the planet has been ravaged by chemicals, a...

Review: The Watch

daniel cohen reviews the sci-fi comedy... Plot: When his friend (Joe Nunez) is killed by a mysterious force, town go-getter Evan (Ben Stiller) starts a...

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

daniel cohen concludes his batman month series with a review of the final nolan-directed batman film... Plot: Eight years after the death of Harvey Dent,...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor