Laura Dengrove

Laura Dengrove
Hello! My name is Laura Dengrove. I am currently a Junior at Rutgers University, double majoring in Journalism/Media Studies and Cinema Studies. I am a film critic and interviewer by choice, professional Linda Belcher impersonator by birth.

Pop-Preview: Walker Stalker Con 2014

This weekend myself, and fellow Pop-Breaker Al Mannarino, will be tackling the awesome and deadly Walker Stalker Con! That’s right folks, an entire Con dedicated...

25 Days of Christmas: Scrooged

Ah Christmas time… a time for cheer, booze, presents, and the good old story of Ebenezer Scrooge. But after almost 200 years of hearing...

Film Review: Young Ones

Young Ones Plot Summary: Young Ones tells the tale of a post-apocalyptic world in which water is hard to come by. A father, Ernest Holm,...

Lost Picture Show: Dogma

Editor's Note: This weekend Kevin Smith releases his latest film, Tusk. So, we asked our resident Smith-ite, Laura Dengrove to talk about her favorite...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Thank You’ (Series Finale)

Way to say “f—k you” instead of “thank you,” True Blood. In one of the most disappointing series finales ever, sarcastically entitled “Thank You,” True...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Love is to Die’

Love is to die for on this week’s episode of True Blood, but is it worth staying alive for? That is the question being asked...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Almost Home’

Finally, an episode of True Blood that feels like we may be "almost home." In this week’s episode, entitled (you guessed it) “Almost Home,” it...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘This May Be the End’

This ‘May Be the Last Time’ for some on True Blood, but the action for others is just getting started. In this week’s episode...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Karma’

Karma’s a bitch, and her name is Sarah Newlin. In this week’s episode of True Blood, befittingly named "Karma," everyone in Bon Temps seems to...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Return to Oz’

Written by Laura Dengrove Looks like this week’s True Blood took a trip to the dentist, because this episode was a filler. With a wowing...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Death is Not the End’

Written by Laura Dengrove The words, “Death is not the end” never rang more true than with this exciting, new episode of True Blood. This...

TV Recap: True Blood, ‘Fire in the Hole’

Written by Laura Dengrove The return of old blood may spill some fresh blood this week on True Blood. Death, mayhem, and disaster followed the third...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor