Luke Kalamar

Luke Kalamar

Remembering the Classics: Warcraft

Back on June 2nd, Blizzard Entertainment released one of the most anticipated games of the year: Heroes of the Storm. Its big selling point...

TV Recap: Game of Thrones, ‘The Dance of Dragons’

The Dance of Dragons Plot Summary: Stannis (Stephen Dillane) is struck by a surprise Bolton assault and is completely immobile in the snow. Desperate for...

Remembering the Classics: Fallout 3

Hype. Hype never changes. After years of rumors and hearsay, Fallout 4 was finally revealed on June 3rd. It was met with the exact...

Remembering the Classics: Resident Evil Zero

Back on May 18th, Capcom announced that remaking their old hits will be a top business priority moving forward. This was met with some...

TV Recap: Game of Thrones, ‘The Gift’

The Gift Plot Summary: Desperate for help, Sansa (Sophie Turner) attempts to reach Theon (Alfie Allen) through his thickened Reek personality. Sam (John Bradley) personally...

Remembering the Classics: The Witcher

Each visual medium contains a fantasy adaptation that, surprisingly, is more popular than the original print form. A very recent and strong example for...

SNL Season 40 Finale: Louis C.K., Rihanna

Saturday Night Live Season 40 Finale with Louis C.K., Rihanna Pre-Show Thoughts: Louis C.K. is back for number three! When he first hosted Saturday Night Live...

Remembering the Classics: Castlevania

Konami, one of the most recognizable and influential game developers in history, has been stuck in a black hole of bad news recently. It...

TV Recap: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Season 2 Finale

Season 2 Finale - S.O.S. Part One, Part Two Plot Summary: After suffering immense pain at the hands of Hydra, Jiaying (Dichen Lachman) has what...

TV Recap: Game of Thrones, ‘Kill the Boy’

Kill the Boy Plot Summary: Only recently elected to Lord Commander, Jon Snow (Kit Harington) makes a decision that puts him at odds with everyone...

TV Recap: SNL – Reese Witherspoon, Florence + The Machine

Saturday Night Live: Season 40, Episode 20 with Reese Witherspoon & Florence + The Machine Pre-Show Thoughts: Reese Witherspoon is obviously an incredibly talented actress. She’s...

Remembering the Classics: Mega Man Legends

Thanks to the prevalence of online stores like Nintendo’s Virtual Console, the PlayStation Store, and Xbox Live, it’s never been easier to buy old games....


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor