Michael Dworkis

Michael Dworkis
Michael Dworkis is a Senior Writer and has been part of the The Pop Break family since 2010. For over a decade he has contributed columns featuring Anime, Comics, Transformers, Television, Movies, and most notably, Professional Wrestling. Additionally, one of the key players in the original Angry Nerds column and a periodic guest on one of Bill's various podcasts. If not grinding away at his next feature, or shouting expletives while gaming or watching wrestling, Michael maintains a full-time job as a Mental Health Professional at a medical group, and runs a telehealth private practice.

Raw Recap: 12/10/12

michael dworkis wants to feed me more... Raw comes to us live from Newark, New Jersey! No, I am not there live, but I am...

Raw Recap: 12/03/12

michael dworkis gets raw... Raw starts off in a big way tonight, as Mr. Vince McMahon, has been sighted in Greensboro, North Carolina, the home...

TV Review: Monday Night Raw 11.26.12

michael dworkis gets raw... Ryback defeats Titus O’Neal to start RAW Well, that was an interesting start to the show, Ryback, once again ticked off at...

Review: WWE Survivor Series

michael dworkis reviews the fall classic... The not-a-Thanksgiving Tradition is back and the big talk going into the event is whether CM Punk will leave...

Raw Report: Monday November 12, 2012

michael dworkis begins his weekly look at monday night raw... Hey folks, Michael SD here to present weekly recaps of Monday Night Raw, and of...

Review: WWE’s Hell in a Cell (2012)

michael dworkis reviews the cage based wwe ppv... Right here, in Atlanta, the site of WWE Hell in the Cell kicks off with their YouTube/WWE.com...

TV Review: Arrow

michael dworkis plays marksman... The long-awaited debut of Arrow, the next superhero saga brought to us by the CW Network. It is the CW, so...

FOX’s Animation Domination… What the Hell is it Dominating Anyway?

michael dworkis looks at fox's sunday animation block...   You know who dominates Fox right now? The Simpsons. It seems like every year the same rumors...

TV Review: Law & Order: SVU, Season Premiere

michael dworkis returns with a look at the classic crime drama... If the cliffhanger from last season was not shocking enough, how about seeing Captain...

Review: WWE’s Summerslam

michael dworkis looks at the summer classic... Are you confused? I am. John Cena is not in the main event! This makes the 11th pay-per-view...

TV Review: RAW 1000

michael dworkis looks at a historic night in pro wrestling...   Raw opened with a fantastic montage highlighting numerous events throughout the years. Comedy gold such...

TV Review: A Look Back at 999 Episodes of Monday Night RAW

michael dworkis looks back at monday night raw...leading up to tonight's 1000th episode...     I was there for the first one. Hell, I was there before...


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