Pop-Break Staff

Pop-Break Staff
Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.

Team Bill vs Team Kimmy Ring of Honor Final Battle 2023 Predictions

The time has come again when we predict ROH’s final pay-per-view of the year in Final Battle. On this show, we will have a...

Pop Break’s Holiday Special #1: Home Alone aka Die Hard for Kids

https://open.spotify.com/episode/61RFF5LE0ABMMmIuEGDhHs?si=67fb1f7df47f4d0a The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...

The Anniversary Brothers TV Podcast: The Powerpuff Girls 25th Anniversary

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0XI67MxGQCQPxWWRFRWPUp?si=bcb8c36ed6414735 Aaron and Josh Sarnecky are here to talk about The Powerpuff Girls for its 25th anniversary. The Powerpuff Girls is a superhero cartoon created by...

Catching Up with Fargo: Hawley’s Grim, but Timeless Tale

Written by Randy Allain If we’ve learned anything from the latest season of Noah Hawley’s Fargo, it’s the importance of making sure our debts are...

Bill vs. The MCU: Phase V Part 2 – Secret Invasion, Loki S2, & The Marvels

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1LjzKCJEBIAVULBx91SxxQ?si=432c65827b94456c Hello and welcome to Bill vs the MCU! Each month your hosts⁠⁠ Pop Break Podcasting Director Alex Marcus⁠⁠ and⁠⁠ Pop Break Editor in Chief...

Dan Mangan on the ‘Going Somewhere’ Tour & Bringing People Together One City at a Time

Words + Photos by Matt Di Paola After opening as a soloist for the Lumineers this past summer, Dan Mangan brought his “Going Somewhere” Tour...

Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special Review: The Giggle

Written by Randy Allain 'The Giggle,' Doctor Who’s third installment in the 60th anniversary celebration, allows The Doctor to pass the torch with even more...

Socially Distanced #187: Doctor Who ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ + The House of Dragon & Fall Out Trailers

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0KM4jOsTVyY5oq5QQjlBBa?si=0c30aacdd47f4ad8 The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...

Anniversary Brothers Movie Podcast: Sleepless in Seattle & You’ve Got Mail Retrospective

https://open.spotify.com/episode/1bJ6Uw2verJAVIHSHA9Prs?si=8ba7c4b776704c4a This month Aaron and Josh Sarnecky are talking about Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail for their 30th and 25th anniversaries, respectively.  Both romantic...

Doctor Who Review: ‘Wild Blue Yonder’ Evokes Our Favorite Whovian Horror

Written by Randy Allain 'Wild Blue Yonder,' the second Doctor Who 60th Anniversary special starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate was shrouded in mystery, but...

Socially Distanced #186: Dave Filoni’s Star Wars Takeover PLUS Tennant’s Doctor Who Returns!

https://open.spotify.com/episode/3qRL6VPhd8y6WyttaJRK0z?si=401184685cce4fd6 The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...

Leo Sawikin on ‘New York I’m Coming Home,’ His Holiday Tour & More

Written by Julie Hoffman I recently sat down to chat with the extremely talented NYC native singer / songwriter Leo Sawikin right after his new...


Daniel Cohen
Luke Kalamar
Ann Hale
Matt Taylor