Founded in September 2009, The Pop Break is a digital pop culture magazine that covers film, music, television, video games, books and comics books and professional wrestling.
oscar predictions from bill bodkin, sue rowley and brent johnson
So there is some suspense to this year's Oscar season after all.
As many insiders have...
bill bodkin and brent johnson debate whether 10 nominations for best picture is overkill or completely justified.
Five for Fighting by Brent Johnson
I love the...
brent johnson and bill bodkin debate the new season of American Idol ...
American Studies
By Brent Johnson
I like American Idol. I'm not supposed to, but...
a follow-up to our most popular blog...guest blogger sue talks about what she learned from a full season of watching MTV's Jersey Shore.
1. Gorillas:...
With the HBO series Entourage debuting in syndication on SpikeTV, guest blogger Ryan Hutchins and B&B co-founder Brent Johnson discuss the mega-popular series. Is...