Mike Vacchiano

Mike Vacchiano

‘Veronica Mars’ Season 4 Premiere Review: The Teen P.I. is Back, and All Grown Up

Written by Michael Vacchiano Hulu’s revival of the short-lived, cult favorite series starts off strong thanks to leading lady Kristen Bell and an intriguing mystery  Nearly...

Review: WWE Extreme Rules 2019 in Philadelphia

Written by Michael Vacchiano The stars of Monday Night Raw and Smackdown Live get ready to throw caution to the wind with WWE’s latest installment...

Smackdown Live in Sacramento: The New Day Returns to Cali

Written by Matthew Widdis Quiet on the set as we open the show with a compulsory version of Miz TV. Wild card in effect as...

‘Wine Country’ Review: Bridesmaids Meets Sideways

By Michael Vacchiano Like a fine glass of its namesake beverage, Netflix’s newest comedy Wine Country acts as a rich varietal of other aged yet...

Monday Night RAW in Lexington: Money in the Bank Set-Up Continues

Written by Michael J. Vacchiano Some Burning Questions Before We Head Into RAW: Which men and women will represent the Red Brand in this year’s Money...

1999 Movie-versaries: Election

1999 was a big year for movies. It was the year that The Matrix's slow-motion bullet influenced action movies for years to come. It was...

1999 Movie-versaries: Go

1999 was a big year for movies. It was the year that The Matrix‘s slow-motion bullet influenced action movies for years to come. It was...

NXT Takeover New York Review: This Will Be The Best Major Show of Mania Week

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tGeN6ryg2w Written by Michael Vacchiano The loaded and action-packed WrestleMania weekend begins with NXT Takeover at the Barclay’s Center in Brooklyn, New York. The card is...

Wrestlemania 35 Predictions Series: Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal

Written by Michael Vacchiano The tradition that was born at WrestleMania 30 continues this year with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Pretty much...

Wrestlemania 35 Predictions Series: Samoa Joe vs. Rey Mysterio

Written by Michael Vacchiano Editor's Note: This match may be canceled due to Mysterio's injury. In what seems like it’s long overdue for wrestling fans, the...

Spielberg vs. Netflix: Do Streaming Movies Deserve Oscar Consideration?

Written by Michael Vacchiano Anyone who has ever seen a movie knows who Steven Spielberg is. The man has been responsible for creating some of...

Smackdown Live in Charlotte: Kofi Gets KO’ed & Tag Wrestling is Done Right

In ring We have a hard open to the center of the ring!  A lot went down on Monday Night RAW (arguably the three biggest...


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