here's never a dull moment in the world of anime and Pop Break is diving right into the action! Join anime enthusiasts Amanda Rivas...
The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...
Written by Randy Allain
On December 16th, 1987, ABC aired the greatest holiday special ever created: A Muppet Family Christmas. It was a unique moment...
The Socially Distanced Podcast is hosted by two pop culture obsessed dads who decided to take their Facebook messenger conversations and turn them into...
Hello and welcome to Bill vs the MCU! Each month your hosts Pop Break Podcasting Director Alex Marcus and Pop Break Editor in Chief...
This month Aaron and Josh Sarnecky are talking about Sleepless in Seattle and You’ve Got Mail for their 30th and 25th anniversaries, respectively.
Both romantic...
It's first of December and that means I'm late on my November column! So without further adieu it's time for another one of my...
Though Eileen is only director William Oldroyd’s second feature, he’s no stranger to stories about difficult women. His first film, 2016’s Lady Macbeth, was...