After delivering an Oscar-winning directorial debut with 2018's A Star is Born, Bradley Cooper returns to helm Maestro, a biopic based on iconic American...
Writer-director Gareth Edwards has quickly developed a strong vision for large-scale stories that stand out in major franchises with 2014's Godzilla and Rogue One: A...
In the opening scenes of director Kitty Green’s new film, The Royal Hotel, American tourists, Hanna (Julia Garner) and Liv (Jessica Henwick), appear to...
We’re introduced to Gary Johnson (played by co-writer Glen Powell) as a pleasant, pleasurable psychology professor. Not knowing anything about the true story going...
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Senior Writer Aaron Sarnecky and Senior TV Columnist Josh Sarnecky...
Co-writer-director Bertrand Bonnello was "freely inspired" by Henry James’s The Beast In The Jungle for his script for The Beast. Its protagonist believes that...
The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, which takes place almost entirely within a courtroom, has almost no score, but the cast makes up the soundscape. They...