
The Best Picture Debate

bill bodkin and brent johnson debate whether 10 nominations for best picture is overkill or completely justified. Five for Fighting by Brent Johnson I love the...

Waltz with me Christoph …

brent johnson makes grandiose statements about best supporting actor favorite christoph waltz -- and we agree ... My friends joke that I tend to make...

Release the Kraken! Spring Movie Preview

a time-honored tradition of previewing movies is brought back by bill bodkin The month of March is a major turning point in the movie season....

Review: The Blind Side

brent johnson sucks it up and reviews the best picture nominee ... Every year, I see every film nominated in the Oscars' Best Picture category....

Best Picture: The Plot Thickens

brent johnson brings up some interesting points about how the best picture category isn't just a two-horse race ... Something to think about: In the latest...

Review: Shutter Island

It seems that pairing up Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio has become as common as the combination of peanut butter and jelly these days....

Brent Johnson’s Oscar Mania!

when it comes to unique facts about oscar, no one knows more than brent johnson ... some may call him Mr. Oscar ... I was...

Review: The Wolfman

bill bodkin reviews the latest adaptation of the horror classic ... It's no secret: Remakes are the "it" thing in Hollywood. With uncertain economic times running...

She & Him: Romantic Movies for Both of You

bill bodkin and sue look at films of the romantic nature that you can both enjoy ... as well as make an obscure reference...

Review: Zombieland

bill bodkin reviews the hit zombie action/comedy... "Zombie movies are like blueberry pie and ice cream. They never get old." -Brent Johnson, October 2009 blog...

Guest Blog: The Top Movies of the 50s

the second part of bill bodkins "movies in the 50s" series...this time he discusses his favorite movies from the decade. I want to thank all...

Oscar Nom Reactions

this is the official kick-off to our oscar season coverage. our predictions blog was kind of a "pre-game" now we're kicking it into high...

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