Monthly Archives: July, 2013


  Hey, we start Raw with Brad Maddox. Yawn. We start with a contract signing. My wife points out they have been doing these a...

Dissecting DEXTER: ‘Scar Tissue’

The Scene of the Crime (Episode Summary) In the process of discovering the “brain surgeon’s” identity, Dexter discovers that Vogel has been studying and taking...

TV Recap: Falling Skies, ‘Strange Brew’

Plot: Tom Mason (Noah Wyle) wakes up from a dream about an alien invasion next to his wife Rebecca (Jennifer Ferrin). They both shrug...

Emmy Nominations Reactions (2013)

The Primetime Emmy Awards are back once again! This year will be the 65th annual award show for excellence in television and this time...

Suck It Up! True Blood, ‘Don’t You Feel Me?’

Jeez, we're only on episode 6? I feel like it's been forever. This show might be the death of me. Here is my brief...

Pop-Break Live: The NERDS [Stone Pony]

Pop-Break's Jeff Crespi snapped some pics of The NERDS AKA America's 'Fun-Omenon' AKA THe Most Famous Cover Band Ever. The band performed a very...

The WWE-ek: Vickie is Baaaaaaack

Vickie is baaaaaaack! Yeah, Vince McMahon introduced her as the new General Manager of SmackDown. I think people were either tired, bored, or completely forgot...

Pop-Press: That Metal Show Finale Tonight

(From Press Release) VH1 Classic’s centerpiece in original programming That Metal Show returns this week with the show’s Season 12 finale. The guests...

Video Game Review: The Walking Dead – 400 Days

Plot: The zombie apocalypse is at hand and everyone is doing what they can to survive. Five individuals named Vince, Bonnie, Russell, Shel, and...

Interview: RX Bandits

It seems like yesterday that the infectiously high-energy sound of RX Bandit's album The Resignation was just being unleashed upon the masses. Looking back...

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