HomeTelevisionReview: NWA Powerrr Episode 3, 'The Twilight of Tim Storm'

Review: NWA Powerrr Episode 3, ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm’

NWA Powerrr 

Prior to the 6:05 broadcast of ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm,’ numerous webcasters are seen giving praise to the format and atmosphere of NWA Powerrr. Once the ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm,’ begins, Joe Galli announces that the show’s producers have informed him that his last two interviews with World Champion, Nick Aldis, and his “insurance police,” Kamille, was deemed “confrontational” and Aldis has requested no further questions regarding Kamille.

Jim Cornette and Joe Galli are about to welcome us to ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm,’ but they’re interrupted by Eddie Kingston. He tells Cornette (with respect, of course) that he has to speak his mind about The Dawsons disrupting the title match between the team of Kingston & Homicide and the tag champs, The Wild Cards. It’s old school NWA but it’s still Eddie Kingston so the *bleep* button is used aplenty and he even drops references to Corny’s past with Homicide in Ring of Honor. Turns out that the NWA are keeping a title shot on hold for the boys from New York but they want to take care of The Dawsons first!

Marti Belle vs Crystal Rose

Marti Belle is probably best known for her time in TNA’s Knockouts division as part of the stable, The Dollhouse, and for her somewhat infamous appearance in WWE’s inaugural Mae Young Classic.  They have a solid, if slow-paced, match with Marti getting the win after a Pedigree that Cornette (tongue- in-cheek) calls a “Pearl River Plunge” immediately after telling Joe Galli that he knows “all the terminology.”

David Marquez brings The Dawsons to the podium as the crowd mocks them with a “Dawson’s Creek” chant.  Marquez asks The Dawsons why the attack at last week’s title match. Their answer is simple: They wanted to put the audience, the champs, and the whole tag team division on notice with an open challenge.

A short vignette is played announcing that Thunder Rosa has joined the National Wrestling Alliance’s women’s division. Fans of Lucha Underground and WOW – Women of Wrestling may know her better as Kobra Moon while she competed in Stardom and Ring of Honor in her current persona. Her first MMA match with Combate Americas in scheduled for November 8th. A quality pick up by Billy Corgan and David Lagana.

Joe Galli is back at the interview podium to speak with Tim Sto… Aron Stevens in pirate garb? The “no eye contact” is in effect and Galli asks Stevens if he’s out to answer The Dawsons challenge. No. No, he’s there to promote his newest project, “Tropical Pirates,” which is said to be available on Blu-Ray, DVD, and, exclusively in Romania, VHS.

Caleb Konley vs “The D-man” Dan Parker

A competitive match between two young guys working the modern hybrid style sees mat wrestling, lucha libre, and strong style striking with the proud Canadian, Parker, using a little Muay Thai and a bit of dirty pool as well.  Konley (one of the many men to once wear the mask of TNA’s Suicide) picks up the win with an elevator moonsault. Matches like these show that NWA is committed not just to the “old school” flavor but wants to provide young in-ring talents a platform, too.

Joe Galli gets to speak with Tim Storm (for real this time, I mean the episode is called ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm’ for a reason.) about his future as an in-ring competitor. Tim is still broken up over losing his title match against Nick Aldis and therefore losing the ability to ever challenge for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship again.  He reflects on his career, the growth of the NWA, champion Nick Aldis, and expresses gratitude for all those things. When he starts talking about “having some thinking to do,” Eli Drake comes in to talk at him. 

Drake tells him that it sounds like Storm is giving up but, with his name on the list of champions that includes Ricky Steamboat, Ric Flair, Harley Race, and Lou Thesz, he shouldn’t. Mama Storm’s little boy may not be able to be heavyweight champ ever again but he can still be a tag team champion and Eli Drake’s partner!  Eli has it set up to face Dawsons tonight and wants to know what Tim’s got to say. Storm says that he’ll think about it and walks off. Rare to see some babyface attitude from Eli Drake but, then again, there’s gold to be had.

A parody commercial plays for Spiritual Advisor’s Invisible Hair Cream promising an end to distracting hair complicating your love life for a mere $59.99 per month.  Act now and receive an order of Spiritual Advisor’s Invisible Voice Cream absolutely free.

A public apology from Jocephus for disrupting the premiere of NWA Powerr is scheduled with David Marquez as host.  He tells Marquez that he wishes to apologize foremost to NWA National Champion, James Storm, and shake his hand. Storm doesn’t come out but Colt Cabana does!  He takes on an utterly convincing cowboy drawl as “James Storm” and is gifted a cowboy hat and beer bottle by Jocephus. Jocephus shakes his hand but then turns around and pulls a handful of salt/chalk/powdered sugar from his bag of tricks to throw into Cabana’s eyes! 

Turns out he doesn’t appreciate a joke or getting in the way of a planned ambush. Cabana is tossed into the ring and taunted but the real James Storm slips in behind Jocephus and lays him out with a superkick! Storm wasn’t too happy with the impression either and readies to paste a blinded Colt but Ken Anderson shows up to pull him to safety. Storm is taking on the “bad ass in-betweener” role thus far and, like him or hate him, nobody’s safe from him.

Joe Galli is with NWA champ, Nick Aldis, and Kamille to talk about the #1 contender’s picture.  Taking cue from the audience, he acknowledges Eli Drake, James Storm, and (questioningly) Jocephus.  He goes on to praise Ricky Starkes as his #1 draft pick worldwide. But Aldis isn’t sure if anyone is truly stepping up their game to where it needs to be and even ponders taking on challengers from outside the NWA.  Galli then revisits the question of why Aldis won’t let Kamille speak. He insists that Galli ask her directly and Kamille appears to be ready to speak into Galli’s microphone but just stares him down. Aldis says that Kamille doesn’t speak because she doesn’t wish to speak but, when she does, Galli will be the first to know about it.

A vignette is played for an unnamed and unseen (in the face anyway) wrestler with a voice prompting us to guess who is coming to NWA using @QuestiontheNWA on Twitter.  With imagery of martial arts chops, tropical volcanos, and a reference to “Father Sky” coinciding with the “I love you” hand sign being shown, my best guess is Jimmy Snuka Jr (formerly Deuce of WWE’s Deuce & Domino.)

Eli Drake & Tim Storm vs The Dawsons

Eli takes a rare pass at David Marquez’s microphone and heads to the ring where, lo and behold, Tim Storm comes out to join him!  The two work well together with hard-hitting and frequent tags but a missed knee lift by Tim Storm allows the Dawsons to isolate him and work the lower back made vulnerable in his title match two weeks ago.  The Dawsons tag in and out, maintaining bearhugs on Storm. When Eli Drake gets the hot tag, he harkens back to his old moniker of “The Perpetual Motion Machine of Badassery.” He should have slowed down a touch.  He has Storm tag in and whip him into the corner where Zane Dawson quickly moves out of the way. Drake runs shoulder first into the ring post and falls to the outside. The Dawsons hit their sandwich slam finisher on Storm for the pin.

After the match, The Dawsons continue to beat on Storm until Eddie Kingston & Homicide run them off and give chase, more concerned with revenge than concern for Storm.  Eli recovers to check on his downed partner, getting there just as Nick Aldis comes from the back to do the same.

Subscribe to the NWA’s YouTube Channel in order to catch episodes like ‘The Twilight of Tim Storm’ every Tuesday at 6:05 p.m.



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